Monday, November 30, 2015

Russ' Updates #061: Finals Hiatus

Hello, lovelies! 

I'm going to keep this short since the main point of this week's RussDate is already in the title, but I'm going to explain anyway. I'm going to be taking a mini-hiatus from today until December 8 (which is next Tuesday). Academic-wise, I'm going to be studying a lot in preparation for two finals which would be next Monday. Aside from that, I also have two papers due next Monday, so I'll be using this week to focus on studying for finals and writing those papers. 

Please take note that any graphic/short/review which maybe be posted here from today until the eighth is queued, meaning that I planned for it in advance. :) Hopefully, blogger's queue system works so that I won't have any trouble rescheduling the post and all. 

To everyone who's going through hell or their finals this month, good luck to us! 

See you on the eighth, lovelies! I have something very special planned for the latter half of December, and I'm excited to share it with you guys next week. :D

"Best of luck to you all."

Monday, November 23, 2015

Russ' Updates #060: Before Hell Weeks

Good evening, everyone!

That was fast...we're pretty much a week from ending November. APEC week went by pretty freaking quickly, and I sort of wish there was more time to rest up and all. Huhu. 

"You need to pull yourself together, Russie."
Speaking of rest (which may or may not be totally non-existent this week), I know that I wasn't able to post during the break (except for yesterday), and I'm really sorry. I decided that acads had to be the main focus last week. Luckily though, since I finished early yesterday, I was able to post two things! Hope you guys were able to check them out. ^_^

Not much is changing for this week. As usual, I hope to post at least one or two things during the weekend, before the hell weeks which will come in...a week...

Anyway, that's all for today! Again, there's not gonna be any 'Posts to Expect' section until I'm done with the first semester. I know that it seems really far off, but trust me. That's just going to be really quick, and before we all know it, Christmas/Semestral break will (finally) be here!

That's all for this week, lovelies! Enjoy :)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

MS/AM: A Coalesce Graphic

Warning Signal: A Transcendence Short

Club XX
New York City
United States of America
November 2112

“Oh no,” Nico Gomez moaned. “Oh no, oh no, oh no. Fucking hell. Where is Lancaster when you need her,” the black-haired boy whined. Beside him, Danica Castle gave a carefree shrug and idly played with her margarita glass. “Seriously, Dan. You need to text Lancaster before he ends up sprawled on the floor.” 

Both of them turned their gazes to Ansel, who merely sat still in his seat, staring down at a bottle of Cognac and a few cans of ginger ale. Danica quirked a brow and whispered to Nico, “But Free doesn’t even drink.”

“That’s what everyone thought,” Nico whined back. He glanced down at his phone and sent text after text to Freya, who was nowhere to be seen in the club they were taken to. Apparently, it was a good idea, according to Freya, to just get out and start drinking a few weeks before finals. 

[Nico Gomez]: hi freya where the fuck are you
[Nico Gomez]: free’s just slumped in his seat and we’re afraid
[Nico Gomez]: well danica’s not but she doesn’t give a shit
[Nico Gomez]: SOS WE NEED YOU

“Nico, what the fuck are you sending me?” a voice from behind demands. In the midst of noise and multiple bodies all over the place, Nico nearly doesn’t hear if not for Danica pointing to Ansel. 

“Free’s in danger of getting more than loopy,” she explained over the loud music. Nico saw Freya’s eyes widen and she cursed, making her way to Ansel and nearly shoving away anyone who was in her way. She managed to squeeze herself in between, eventually sitting next to the brunet boy and lightly patting his cheek. “Can you fix him?”

“Don’t fucking doubt my abilities,” Freya muttered. She gave Ansel’s cheek another pat and then the male groaned, Nico cheering in the background upon hearing Ansel’s reaction. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Russ' Updates #059: APEC Break

Someone's very relieved because of the holiday. Well. 'Holiday'.

Anyway, hi everyone - Russie is currently reading a novel which was assigned for her Lit13 class, which is why she's not really doing much of the talking for this week's RussDate. *glances at the book* She's currently almost 60 pages in, which is a good thing. Hope she manages to get around 60-70 pages done for today, then she can start doing other matters. 

As the title mentioned, Russie will be on her APEC break from tomorrow until Friday. Yes, she'll miss nearly the whole week because of it. As much as she wants to spend the whole week relaxing, she'll first focus on whatever academic-related duties tomorrow. Hopefully, for Wednesday until Friday, she'll just relax, write, continue reading and whatnot. *nods*

"...she better finish it all by then."
We really hope you guys are doing well. *frowns* A lot have been happening worldwide lately, and while it's...saddening to see and hear of, we should still keep on the positive side. Keep the world in your thoughts...especially those who were affected the most by recent occurrences. 

Expect a couple of posts (shorts and graphics) this week. No 'To Expect' list because as much as possible, Russie just wants to post whatever she feels like posting, yes?

Enjoy the week, everyone. Stay safe.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

In Development: A Coalesce Short

Apartment 112
Tokyo, JPN
November 2011

Three quick knocks followed by two of the same speed. Tadashi Sato patiently waited outside the door of 112, glancing quickly at the watch on his wrist. After a mere minute, the door opened. “Am I too early?”

“Just in time,” the other replied. She walked back inside, “Come on in. I – I need some help preparing dinner,” the woman added awkwardly. Tadashi gave a quick smile, entering and leaving his shoes where the rest of her shoes were. Closing the door, he gave a cautious glance around where she lived.

“I’m surprised you haven’t burnt the place down yet.”

“Foul,” she sighed. Tadashi cocked a brow at her and the woman made a face, “Okay, okay, back to Japanese. Er – foul. Is that right?”

“Correct,” he affirmed. “What do you need help with?”

“…making Hayashi rice in general,” she admitted. Tadashi walked to her kitchen, which was still pretty spotless. There was an array of ingredients, untouched. He looked at her and caught the hesitation in the woman’s eyes.

He decided to take pity on her this time. “Get back to your studies,” he told her. “I’ll handle dinner for today.”

“W-Wait, are you sure?”

“You seem on edge. I’ll handle it.” she mumbled a quick thank you and left the kitchen, leaving Tadashi to glance at the cookbook which had been left open on the marble counter.

Hayashi rice.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Russ' Updates #058: Focus Period

Good evening, Darlings! I hope you guys have been doing well this week ^_^

"So...where have you been, Russie?"
If you guys noticed, I haven’t really made an appearance this week. Well. Academic and IRL, I’ve been sorting out lots of things, to be honest. There were a few projects to be done academically and then some org-related tasks to prioritize, so I couldn’t exactly get to posting during the week. As much as I wanted to post even a short, I had to prioritize some other things first and all that stuff.

I’m not exactly sure how it’s going to go this week, really. I’ll still be doing academic-related duties as well as org-related ones, which means I probably won’t be able to post during the week again. Here’s what I want:

  • Beat the deadline and finish the different requirements by this Thursday
  • Get all the heavy work done with ASAP
  • Have a hassle-free weekend and a non-stressful November 16
  • Enjoy the APEC holiday!

In case you guys don’t know what I’m talking about, I won’t be having classes from November 17 – November 20 (Tuesday to Friday). The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum is going to be hosted by the Philippines this year, and to make things smoother for the event and all, it was declared that there wouldn’t be classes during the APEC period.

Again, I have no idea if acads will suddenly squeeze their way into APEC (profs giving a buttload of papers and whatnot all of a sudden), I will try to make the best out of the holiday. :)

"What does that mean for this week?"
Again, same schedule as last week. I won’t be posting anything from Monday to Friday as to give way for my acads, but I’ll do my best to get something on Saturday and/or Sunday.

That’s all for this week, lovelies! No ‘Posts to Expect’ for now.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Russ' Updates #057: (Hello) November

Good evening, Darlings!

"Hello, Russie's wonderful readers!"
I hope you're all doing alright this week, and that you guys had a great October. :) As the title says, it's already November! We're so freaking close to being done with the year (and for college students, done with the semester hell yes). And speaking of being done with the year, I'm really feeling excited for what I've got planned this December~

"What, despite December being finals month?"

Too soon, Clara.

"*winks* Don't spoil it yet, Russ. Spoilers."

Anyway, I don't exactly have any Featured Character for November and December. I'll be spending the two months focusing on fulfulling requirements (for November), and focusing on finals (for the first two weeks of December). With that in mind, it's possible that my activity might decrease starting the latter part of November, but I'll still do my best to post a graphic/short per week. :) 

"It's very much possible."

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[ ] Russ Writes: An OTP Short