Saturday, May 28, 2016

Russie's To-Read List (2K16): A Russie Babbles Post

Good afternoon, guys! 

So my first year of college has officially ended, considering that the grades were (finally) released yesterday. I've got until August 8 until I go back as a Sophomore, and that pretty much gives me a little over two months to actually relax and try to regain the sleep and sanity that I've managed to lose since August of last year. :'D 

Throughout the school year, I've somehow managed to end up hoarding a shit-ton of books that I've been meaning to read but haven't been able to read due to lack of time and sudden increase in academic responsibility. With that, I thought: why not catch up with reading this summer? 

"Catch up and try to get your life together..."
In this post, I'll be talking about the six books which I really want to catch up with this summer. :D I'll try to explain how I ended up getting hold of the books and the synopsis if I'm not lazy. 

Hope you guys enjoy! 

To All the Boys I've Loved Before
P.S. I Still Love You 

Author: Jenny Han
Year of Publication: 2014 // 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Romance

Ahh, yes. Jenny Han! I've read her Summer trilogy when I was younger and remember thoroughly enjoying it. So upon the release of her new books, I really wanted to get and read them. But for some reason, I kept putting it off. *shrugs* I remember getting the books last year for Christmas, and now they're sitting on my study table, waiting to be cracked open and read. 
What I know about these books is that it's focused on the character of Lara Jean, who's written all these letters to her crushes but never really sent them. Instead, it remained in a box under her bed. But somehow, the letters end up getting mailed to the boys. Whoops.
I think these two are definitely a priority, since I've been neglecting reading them for the longest time ever.  :D
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Bad Half

Author: Sally Green
Year of Publication: 2014
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

Half Bad was gifted to me by a friend on my 18th birthday! I've never actually heard of this series before, but upon searching for it on Goodreads,  I found out that it was actually a fantasy novel which featured male witches. :o (And I actually got the initial impression that it was about bisexual/lesbian witches, whoopsies.)
While fantasy isn't something I'm into (Rothie's more of the fantasy person tbh), I find myself wanting to read it! Mostly because of the portrayal of male witches, considering how I'm more used to reading about female ones. 
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Author: Tabitha Suzuma
Year of Publication: 2010
Genre: Young Adult, Romance

Allow me to sum up my initial impressions with the following tweet:  

Yep. Lesson learned, fam. Reread the back cover about ten times minimum, and you're good. Despite mixed reactions from my friends, I decided fuck it and that I'll be reading this despite incest not really being in my comfort zone. 
(But hey, the people over at Goodreads gave this book good reviews, so...) 
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Author: Holly Bourne
Year of Publication: 2013
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Fantasy

I actually bought this and This is Where the World Ends last week as a reward to myself for surviving freshman year of college...despite, you know, having a tower of books to be read left behind in my room. *sweats nervously* Even with that, though, the short synopsis at the back of the book got me interested! 
Basically, the back cover is all, "what if meeting your soulmate could potentially destroy the world" and all that jazz. Alongside that, I actually decided to buy this because of the whole soulmates concept, which reminded me of the Transcendence universe. :D 
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This is Where the World Ends

Author: Amy Zhang
Year of Publication: 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Mystery

Since I follow the National Bookstore Facebook page, I tend to see books that are recently released, plus their blurbs and whatnot. I ended up seeing this one a few weeks ago, and after reading Zhang's Falling Into Place, I decided to put this on my to-buy list the next time I went to a bookstore. And lo and behold, I did! I bought this along with Soulmates and am pretty excited to read this one after enjoying Falling Into Place. 
Based on the book's back cover, this one focuses on Janie and Micah, two people who have been best friends since their childhood. Yet for some reason, no one is supposed to know about their friendship. *shrugs* To be fair though, it's got an interesting premise and I'm looking forward to reading this! 
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So, that's pretty much it! Those are the books I'll do my best to catch up with this summer. I definitely don't want to waste it just sitting around the house, so why not spend my summer sitting around the house and reading at the same time? ;D 

Thanks for reading guys - I'll see you in the next post! 

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