Thursday, June 30, 2016

Value: A Russie Features Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
March 2017

Flashing lights, blinding lights. A microphone was pushed into his hand, the other gripping the plaque tightly. “Congratulations,” someone – Sol? – whispered, pushing him a little more to the front. Tadashi froze and stared, wide-eyed and still in shock upon what had just happened within the past two, three minutes.

He wasn’t sure what had happened, honestly. He and the rest of Squad A were busy drinking, and he was laughing at a joke Peters had told, when all of a sudden his name was announced and Aether was pulling up with the brightest smile on her face. Peters was whooping and Mack was laughing too, and before he knew it, he was stumbling to the stage with Sol beaming up at him. There was someone with her too, probably a higher-up, who most likely congratulated him as well, he didn’t know.

“I—I honestly don’t know what just happened,” he admitted into the mic, the entire room laughing warmly at that. He wasn’t trying to be humble nor was he trying to play off his win, not at all—it was the truth. He hadn’t been expecting any of that to happen, not at all. “Honestly. I never really expecting any of this,” he told the rest of HQ, his eyes falling to Squad A’s table.

He caught Aether’s gaze momentarily. She smiled even wider, if that was possible, and was holding a handkerchief that Mack had most likely lent to her. You can do it, she mouthed, and he swallowed, nodding before looking at the rest of them.

Tadashi inhaled for a second before putting on a smile, loosening his grip slightly and starting to speak.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Russ' Updates #090: More Preps

Good evening, guys! 

So the sixth season of Game of Thrones ended today, and I think to say that this season was the best one out of all of them, despite some...losses. *tears* Sadness aside, I can happily say that I'm finally starting to plan out the blogsary! I was able to come to a final 'theme' and will start doing more research starting this week. :3 

"There's a lot of good stuff coming this August."
Anyway, June's ending this week - with that, you can expect a new Russie Features character to pop up around the start of July. Although if you know the color order of the Coalesce characters, I'm pretty sure you guys know who's next. ^_^ Hope you guys are looking forward to it! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short

Have a good week, Darlings! 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Firsts: A Transcendence Short

Free-Jones Apartment
New York City
United States of America
June 2121


The first time Ansel bares his symptoms to Elena, he’s crouched over his desk at an ungodly hour, fingers shaking as he attempts to get through more than half of his current project a higher-up had assigned him to.

The office smells of dull caffeine; the trashcan underneath the desk filled with small bottles of the coffee he purchased at the nearby store just hours ago. At that point, the slightest rays of sunshine peek from behind the heavy blinds. Something rings in his head; an annoying throb that makes him swallow. “Fucking shit,” he mutters, attempting to block out the throb with yet another play of the video so far.

There is scenery over the sound of a light piano in the background. He keeps his mind on the screen but his thoughts gloss over, the throb ebbing stronger and stronger to the point of him pausing the video and running his fingers through his hair. Ansel attempts to calm his breathing, attempts to remove the headset with shaky fingers and shakier hands. The caffeine in his system rejects the work done and his body feels on the verge of collapsing—

He hardly notices his shaking until the lights flicker on, and a pair of hands cups his cheeks, jolting him back. His vision sharpens immediately from the blurred mess it was. He sees Elena staring at him, her eyes a pool of worried blue and suddenly feels everything from the cold air on his skin to the warmth of her hands. He opens his mouth, tries to speak, but nothing comes out.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Russ' Updates #089: Bits and Pieces

Hello, Darlings! 

Not much to say this week, actually - I'm still planning bits and pieces of the blogsary celebration for August, and I think I need to start planning faster, whoops. But aside from that, I'm really looking forward to how it goes! I (sort of) know what I want to happen; I just need to start finalizing them as soon as possible. :) 

...also, it's probably for the best that I actually start reading the books I have to read as well as the readings I already have for second year, whoops. 
June's ending next week, so you can expect the last Russ Features graphic to be posted some time next week, and the short next week! :D 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: An RRC'16 Graphic
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Stay: A Russie Features Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
September 2009

“You have to admit that you were expecting it to happen already.” Three pairs of eyes glanced Tadashi’s way; Tadashi merely gave a dead shrug and took yet another shot of a drink Ross had ordered minutes back. The alcohol stung and burned. “You two were already like this drink.” Ross raised his cocktail, “On the rocks.

The pun was met with groans from the rest of them. Eri shot Ross a hard look, to which the other merely smirked and sipped from his glass. “That was horrible, O’Neill. And not the time or place for it.”

“What?” Ross shrugged, “It helped, at least. Sato can’t spend the rest of his time sulking. Let the man laugh.” They looked at him again and Tadashi felt uncomfortable. Letting loose a nervous laugh, he drank yet another shot, to which Sol gave him an apprehensive look.

“That’s not going to help,” she told him quietly. “Drinking isn’t going to help you, Tad. You know that.”

“It seems like the best option for now,” he muttered. Clutching the glass tightly, he glanced towards the bottle to which Sol pushed it away. Ross caught sight of it and cocked a brow, leaning in a little closer and inspecting Tadashi closely.

“Yeah,” he muttered. “You don’t look too good, man. Sol might be right in taking the bottle away from you.” In response, Tadashi could only groan and rest his head on the table, mumbling for them to fuck off.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Lost Time: A Headcanon Short

Soledad-Vega Residence
February 25xx
8:43 PM

Even in marriage, planning the perfect surprise for his now-wife proved to be a challenge. Drake chewed his lip nervously as he buttoned up his shirt, eyes sweeping across his closet for the one good article of clothing he had. He hadn’t expected them to not spend so much time together despite their marriage, to be honest. Drake expected for them to float happily, waking up tangled in cold sheets and kissing each other’s noses while whispering “good morning”.

…but that didn’t quite happen, not really. The two of them were still frequently called on missions alongside James and Carina, paired together, or during the rare times, totally alone. Drake thought that they’d be able to bond more, as James and Carina had assured him that they would, even post-honeymoon.

Even with that assurance, Drake wasn’t totally sure if all of that was true. And frankly, he was fed up with having to settle with waking up to an empty bed half of the time. (He wasn’t angry, no. He couldn’t be angry at Lyra.)

So he put his foot down one day and decided to properly ask his wife for some time together, even if it were for at least one single evening. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Russ' Updates #088: New Obsessions

Hi there, Darlings! I hope you're all having a fantastic Monday so far. :D

Not much has been going on with me, aside from a growing love for Hamilton as well as Descendants of the Sun. I finally decided to download episodes one and two after seeing it everywhere, and I'm pretty much loving it so far even though I just watched one episode. :') To be honest, I'm pretty new to Korean Dramas and all, but I can already tell that it's going to be a goodie. 

In other unrelated news, holy shit I have braces now! I've been pushed to have them since high school, but being the coward I am, I kept on delaying it because I didn't want my teeth pulled out. I got them put on last Thursday, and...well. Let's just say it's taking a while until I can properly eat dried mangoes again huhu. 

Expect more of Tadashi this week as well as a Coalesce or a RRC'16 piece! I'm still planning for August's blogsary so I can't reveal much about that, but please do keep an eye out for it. ;D 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russie Writes: A RRC'16 Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sessions: A Transcendence Short

Blythe Office
New York
United States of America
September 2113

“I’m actually happy that you decided to come back,” the older figure admitted. Ansel could barely meet the psychiatrist’s eyes, only nodding silently in agreement. “Really, Ansel. Not too many patients decide to come back for a second go; they tend to feel that it’s a little too invasive of their privacy, so they’d much rather not continue. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course – it just doesn’t happen as often as I’d like,” he said with a sheepish sort of grin.

“…I figured that it would help me out more,” he answered stiffly. “More than the medications.” Nodding, Ezra reclined and continued looking at him, waiting for him to continue. “The university counselors aren’t too much help. I…thought that seeking a more professional figure would be more beneficial. Towards both of us.”

“You made the right choice.” Ezra pushed closer a small container of gummies; Ansel relented and took a grape-flavored one from the glass case. “Now…do you want to start over, or do you want to tell me how you’ve been lately?”

Ansel hesitated.

“Or,” Ezra offered, “We can go slow again. I can explain what your condition is, get you into the right mindset about it. And then we can begin. Would you like that?”

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cathartic: A Russie Features Short

Aether’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2015

They had known each other for years at that point; it only made sense that he was the first person she called.

When he had answered the phone, Tadashi didn’t initially understand what was going on. All he could hear was the sound of her sobbing combined with Aether trying to explain what was going on. At her third attempt (which had been combined with even more tears), Tadashi ended up telling her that he would be at her door as soon as he could.

And within a few minutes, he was. No sooner than he rang the doorbell did the door opened, and he was greeted with the sight of Aether’s crying face and immensely broken expression. No words were exchanged as he immediately came inside, closing the door behind them and asking her: what happened?

It took her a long time to eventually stop crying and tell him what had caused her to break like that. It took nearly half an hour until he put the pieces together and did his jaw tighten, eyes narrow. Part of him wanted to lash out and hunt down the man at fault, but the other part willed for himself to calm down and stay where he was needed the most.

Stay, he told himself. You have to stay.

Without saying anything more, Tadashi opened his arms and Aether sunk into them immediately, burying her face into his chest and erupting into a fresh batch of heartbroken sobs.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Russ' Updates #087: Planning

Hi everyone!

Russie isn’t feeling that well right now, so I’ll be the one to handle this week’s RussDate first. She hopes that she can get back by the next one. 

At the moment, she’s currently planning for August’s celebration. As much as she wants to give spoilers, she hasn’t really been to make any final plans yet. She hopes she can give some by the end of the month, though, so stick around and maybe she’ll start talking about what she has in mind. *smiles*

This week, you can expect a short featuring yours truly as well as a few others. Maybe something on the Coalesce or Transcendence side, we’ll see. She's hoping to at least get something out for either of those projects. 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Transcendence Short

"Have a good week!'