Thursday, October 27, 2016

Good Intentions: A Coalesce Short

Jian’s Apartment

Altlanta, GA

United States of America

January 2017

“Are you sure that you’re okay, brother?”

A half-smile crawls up the male’s lips. “I’m okay, Yue. I promise. I’ve just been…more tired lately, compared to these past few weeks. The bar’s been gaining more attention, so it’s only normal that I’m getting tired, you know?”

“I don’t know.” From his laptop screen, Yue throws him a look. “You’ve never really looked this exhausted. Maybe you want to come to Taipei, take a break with us? The family’s been asking how you’ve been,” she expressed. Her brown eyes met the gaze of her older brother, and she gave a small sigh. “I keep telling them to get off your case, but you have to admit that you owe them an answer, too. They’ve been concerned that you were suddenly able to help out with my college tuition and everything. Not that I’m not thankful,” she adds hurriedly, spotting the small frown poking its way to his lips, “I am. Really. They just want to know how you’re doing, and so do I.”

He sighed, reaching up and loosening the deep purple tie that hung around his neck. “I…alright. You’re right; I do owe you an explanation. And our family. But not now.” Yue looked like she was about to protest, but Jian lifted a hand and she kept her mouth closed. “I promise that I’ll explain. But I’m afraid that if I do tell, everyone else will just get on my case. And I don’t want that—I don’t think you want that either. Right?”

Monday, October 24, 2016

Russ' Updates #107: Vacation

Good evening, everyone! Hope you’re doing okay—and to those who watched The Walking Dead’s season opener, I sincerely hope that you guys have (somehow) managed to recover. :(( 

Here’s my agenda for this week: by Thursday night, I want the RussDate shorts and graphics to be posted. You may be wondering why I’m rushing, and, well—that’s because I’ll be in Japan! From October 28—November 2, I’ll be out of the country. My family and I will be spending a few days travelling and whatnot; as much as I want to bring my laptop along, it might distract me from the adventure and all. 

I’ll try to set up the format for next Monday’s RussDate, though! I want to post on time and update you guys on how I’m doing. :D But for now—just hope that I’ll be able to get the Russ Features finished as soon as possible! 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic #03
[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short #03

"My time here was sufficient enough."

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Flutter: A Coalesce Short

Tadashi’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
August 2012

“So you finally did it,” Tadashi finally said. She nodded.

“I couldn’t stay anymore. I had to leave.” Aether took a sip from her mug, letting the peach object warm her hands just right. “I couldn’t…”

“Hey, hey. I don’t blame you.” The concern in Tadashi’s eyes remained as he offered her a small smile. “No one can blame you for choosing to cut it away. In the end, the only person that really matters is yourself.”

“I know.” Aether released a shaky laugh, “I wish I realized that sooner.”

It had been a day since Aether had cut it off with her previous boyfriend. Lysette had been pestering for her to cut it off for weeks, but the dark-haired girl refused and refused until she realized that she wasn’t feeling as much as she previously did. Aether tried to search for the feelings, but realized that she found herself drawn more to the memories than the actual person.

And that was the sign she needed.

She ended the relationship face-to-face. Asked for them to see each other in his dorm room, and when he asked if there was something wrong, Aether had hesitated before telling it straight: “I can’t do this anymore. I think we should break up.”

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Waiting Game: A Coalesce Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2016

“Was he that bad?”


“You’re looking awfully chipper today,” Elsie snarked, tying her brown her up in a ponytail. Jian gave her a pointed look but said nothing, not wanting her words to aggravate him as much as the prior weekend did. “Was it because of what happened during the weekend? You owe me a few stories, by the way.”


“Mhm. You never really take Saturdays off unless you’re really, really sick or unless you need to go back to Taiwan.” The other said nothing, though sighed internally. Elsie was, if anything, observant—but maybe too observant for her own good. Jian inhaled and counted to ten before looking at her. Elsie kept looking at him, waiting for him to answer. He knew that she wouldn’t exactly back down without an answer she thought was satisfactory enough.

“I didn’t have a good weekend,” he answered shortly. Jian glanced at the mirror in the staff room and straightened his collar, “That’s all there is to it. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Monday, October 17, 2016

Russ' Updates #106: Priority

Hello, everybody! I hope you’re all doing okay! 

Long story short: midterms week kicked my ass to infinity and back. That’s probably obvious, based on the extreme lateness of my prior RussDate. ^^; I’ll admit that the previous weeks (or maybe the previous months, even) haven’t been the greatest — but I’m still hoping for the best, you know? 

Anyway, I’m still sticking to focusing on Jian! I want to get his three shorts and three graphics posted as soon as possible. Aside from that, I’ve got a few ~ideas~ lined up for Coalesce and all. And that may or may not a few character changes. ;) More on that in the coming weeks! 

But for now, I want to take it easy and not really pressure myself. And you guys should keep that in mind, too! Prioritize yourselves. :D 

"Take care of yourselves."
Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short #02

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #105: Swamped

Hi guys! 

Sorry for the late RussDate. Academics have been kicking my ass for the past two weeks; the fact that most of my midterms are papers instead of actual tests is really, really sucking the life out of me. I actually sorta regret being thankful that they're papers. D: I'm really hoping that I survive this week because to be honest, it's getting a little shittier from here huhu. 

Expect more Jian this week! Aside from your usual Russ Features shorts and graphics, there may or may not have been a few ideas boiling in my head for my other projects. We'll see, you know? Hopefully I get to balance things out again. ^^;

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic 
[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short 

Enjoy the week! You've got this. 

"I believe in you."

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Attachment: A Russie Features Short

Mack’s Apartment
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2016

Jian wakes up with a splitting headache and the taste of last night’s alcohol in his mouth. He blinks, feels an unfamiliar blanket on top. It’s violet and thin—not his typical thick and purple one. Jian reaches to yank it off, but there’s a heavy weight beside him which makes movement much more difficult.

Soft curls brush against his back. His throat dries upon realizing what had gone on the previous night—remembers smirks and semi-drunken laughter and dark brown curls that almost looked black in the dark of the night.

“Oh fuck,” he curses. “Oh my fucking God.” Panic shoots up his system and he nearly jerks out of bed only to realize the presence of a warm arm around his waist. Jian’s breath stutters and he looks over his shoulder to see a sleeping other there, his face perfectly relaxed as he sleeps.

On a normal morning, he wouldn’t be too bothered. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence—the flames of one-night stands were usually extinguished come morning. The two of them would part ways eventually without much memory or attachment to the hours spent together asleep and awake.

It didn’t bother him much because there was the feeling of absolute nothingness.

Now, however, Jian felt a drumming in his chest that he wasn’t sure was something he was familiar with.

And it scared him.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Russ' Updates #104: Midterms

Good evening and happy October, everyone! 

How are you guys doing? To be honest, I'm pretty thankful that it's already October. I've got high hopes for this months -- last month wasn't really that great for me. *sweatdrop emoji* Anyway, now that it's a new month, we've got a new Russie Features character. Does he look familiar? 

"Hope you all remember me."
If you guys remember, Jian was also featured two years ago! His character then is *almost* the same as his character now, save for a few changes of course. :') I'm looking forward to bonding with him this month, and for you guys to see the changes as well! He's a bit more complicated this time around.

For this week, I'm gonna be a little more swamped once again. It's midterms season over here, and most of mine actually consist of papers rather than actual exams. Wish me luck! 

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Russie Features Graphic 
[x] Russie Writes: A Russie Features Short 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Speak: A Coalesce Short

Winchester, England
United Kingdom
June 2010


Aether can’t find the words. 

Crumpled sheets of paper sit in piles on her study table; a sharpener wearily waits for her to resharpen her pencil. She gnaws her lip, glances at the paper in front of her, reads the sentence written and groans—and the same paper ends up in the pile. 

She wasn’t a wordsmith, no, never. That was Lysette’s thing—Lysette had the words and the art to let her thoughts speak. All Aether could do was play something on the piano and sing the words to a song that had caught her attention the other day. She wasn’t like Lysette who would conjure great things from her subconscious. She wasn’t like Lysette who could put her vision into art. She was barely like Lysette but that didn’t bother her at all because Lysette was—she was fantastic. 

Aether shakily writes the statement onto a piece of scratch paper. You’re fantastic, she writes in a messier print way different from her normal one. Twelve or so other statements come before that one, a few of them crossed out. All of them hold compliments, praise. Praises she had told Lysette time and time again, but the redhead’s reaction would always be the same.