Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twenty-Two Candles

When she fell asleep hours ago, she remembered having her head on his chest and his arms securely wrapped around her frame. The memory made her smile; to fall asleep with him was one of life’s greatest joys – to her, at least.

Now, however, she felt nothing but pillows around her. Back propped against a pillow, arms wrapped around one…softness surrounded her and not the firmness of flesh, a gentle cool versus the warmth and beating of life. “So sleepy,” the mumble left her lips carelessly, and she turned on her back, wearily opening her eyes and blinking the sleep out of them.

The white ceiling greeted her.


No voice responded. Frowning, she sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes, the sheets wrapped around her bare form. Green eyes glanced downwards and she was surprised (albeit pleased) to see a tray waiting for her, containing plates of food and two beverages. Nibbling on a piece of toast, she wondered where Matt was and this only made her frown more.

The food was still hot, so he must have set it only a few minutes back.

Nibble, swallow. Butter. Nibble.

Toast disappeared, followed by the pancakes then the bacon, which she saved for last. A felt a pang of loneliness, hugging her knees and glancing at the door with a small frown. Her legs ached and begged to not be moved when she attempted to get out of bed, and her face flushed a soft pink as she remained on the large, soft bed.

After finishing the last piece of bacon and drinking away the drinks, the door creaked open slightly.

A stared, quirking a brow.

Matt entered the room with a wide grin, bearing gifts and a bouquet of roses in his hand. This made the woman burst into laughter at how he looked, his hair neat for once and wearing a long-sleeved polo as well as black pants, with a black tie finishing the effect of it. “You look bloody ridiculous,” she managed, wiping the tears of laughter away from her eyes.

Matt smirked, getting on his knee and offering the flowers. A graciously took the bouquet, smelling the roses and putting a hand on her chest, looking flattered. “I took the liberty of getting you flowers and gifts – also cooking you breakfast like a perfect gentleman.” His voice contained the lofty accent that he didn’t use so much, making her choke with laughter even more. “Take this as my treat for you today, my lady.”

“You’re being such a Laurie,” she quipped.

“So you’re my Amy?”

“Christ, no.” A shuddered. “Hated the cow. I’d rather much be Jo.”

His blue eyes gave a familiar gleam, “Let’s be other people.”

“I’d rather we be ourselves,” she announced, getting off the bed, still wrapped in white sheets. “Get on your feet, lovely.” Matt stood and she smiled at him, still bearing the roses, “I’d rather you not be on your knees for me.”

“But I want to make you happy,” he insisted, yet she put a finger on his lips, silencing him.

“You can be on your feet and still make me happy.”

Her words made him smile, and he nodded.

“If that’s what you wish,” he gave her lips a small kiss, “I’ll let that pass. Take a bath, babe and dress well. We’re going out.”

* * * * *

He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“Will that be all, miss?”

“Just that,” she replied with a smile, turning to Matt with the same smile etched in her features. She gave a small smirk at his expression and he shook his head as if in a trance. “You’ve been out of it, darling. Is there anything wrong?”

“Not at all,” he replied smoothly. “When I said dress up, I wasn’t expecting something so…”

Words failed him.


“I was thinking more on the side of classy.”

The look in her eyes was back. Mischievous, impish. She had painted her nails pink and graced a white blouse as well as a pink shirt that went a few inches above her knees which swished and flowed each time she took a step. Her ankle boots gave her a height boost as well as a confidence booster, and she wore her hair up and slightly curled.

“Classy,” she repeated. “Classy. I like that.”

* * * * *

They had gone everywhere. Shops, restaurants, parks and even the quirkiest – both of them had chased each other within a vinyl shop and played around in playgrounds with children watching the queerness of it. He had nearly tackled her down and she screamed, both of them landing on the soft grass and bursting into laughter at the simplicity and childishness of it.

“You nearly dirtied my skirt,” she chastised, but he shook his head.

“Frankly, love, you nearly did it. Or the soil.”

“Don’t use your logic on me.”

“It’s common sense, darling.”

“Don’t use it on me.”

“Never again,” he promised. Both of them stood up and he spun her around, A giggling childishly and hugging him tightly.

“This is the only time I’ll let myself be a child.”

“You should do it more often,” he kissed her forehead, “I quite enjoy it.”

* * * * *

She stumbled, he caught her. Her cheeks were flushed with the excitement the drinks had brought her, her hair slightly strewn and eyes more lit than ever. This amused Matt, who helped her walk to the car as they planned to make her way back home. “I swear to God I’m not drunk,” she insisted as she sat down, pouting and facing him once he was inside as well, “I feel fantastic! I can sing you our national anthem if you wanted me to.” She bragged.

“I’d rather you sing me a love song,” he offered amusedly as he backed the car out of the parking area. She wrinkled her nose at that.

“No thank you. Oh!” she nearly bounced in her seat, “We can go dancing at home! Play a CD and we’ll dance to Mozart or Beethoven or whoever’s on the CD, we can even dance to – who was it – all you need is love ­– the Fireflies? The Bees?”

“The Beatles,” he replied, holding in a laugh at her state.

“The Beatles! Christ, what a name,” she laughed. “I can go on forever. I can dance forever and drink until alcohol pounds through my veins. Don’t you feel that way, too?” she paused. “Don’t you feel…rather infinite?”

Matt glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. Her previously joyful expression flowed into a thoughtful one, hugging her knees and looking out the car window.

“I never thought it would be like this,” she admitted soon after.

“Like what?”

“Like…this. Having a grand time, drinking and acting like children. I never thought I’d be twenty-two and celebrating with someone I loved.”

Matt kept driving, silent.

“I never actually thought that I’d be living like this, actually. A few years ago, I thought I’d just be the girl who lived alone and had coffee and her laptop to be her friends,” A laughed at that. “God…I tend to underestimate myself,” she said quietly. “Having a boyfriend was the last thing I ever thought of. Being the head of a squad was the last thing I expected. Giving up my alcoholism was far from it,” she said sarcastically, and even he laughed. “Years ago, I thought I’d never move on. From the fire. From the crash. From Wammy’s.”

“But now, you’re here.”

She nodded.

“I’m here.”

She fell silent after that. Matt drove home, occasionally glancing at her to see if she was still awake. He eventually parked the car and they remained inside, not really going out and just staying there with the AC on and soft music playing in the background.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Of course.”

Matt hesitated.

What the hell. I’ve come so far.

“I never thought I’d see you again.”

She bit her lip.

“…I never thought I’d see you again, either.”

“Fate likes to play, isn’t it?”

“That’s true.”

He took her hands, which were cold, and squeezed them. A looked at him, her eyes wide and filled with speculation, curiosity…fear.

“You’re twenty-two,” he said softly. “You’ve gone through so much for the past years and you’re still here. Isn’t that a miracle enough?”

“I’d like to think that it is.”

“You’re strong. You’re wonderful. I’d rather have the scarred, hardened love of my life than someone who endured nothing and relied on others to help her get there.” He rubbed circles on her hands and continued, “Scarred and brilliant. That’s what you are.”

Matt kissed her hands, holding them tighter and looking up into a pair of green eyes.

“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“You wouldn’t?”

A whisper.

“I’m already happy with you.” 

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