Monday, January 27, 2014

BTS: The Mirage of Libertatem

Hello, dear readers!

So. *laughs* This is going to be a Behind The Scenes post regarding the most recent post-slash-challenge, entitled The Mirage of Libertatem. Let's start it, shall we?

This short takes place in the Delta Belt, located in the Shoujo Parallels universe. It features two characters, namely Eridanus Luceat and Mail Arida. Where exactly are they? Both of them are in Libertatem, the Parallel World of the Delta Belt's Arzen Venura. 

Are you starting to get it?

So in this Belt, Arzen Venura is now Monika Katarina Venura. Simply known as Katarina 'Rina' Venura. Rina Venura's Canon Parallel is none other than Eridanus Luceat. (Luceat is the Latin translation of shine. On the other hand, Libertatem is the Latin translation for Liberty. So basically, Rina's world takes inspiration from Latin words and such, compared to Arzen's being German.)

Eridanus Luceat is the Queen of Libertatem. 

Fun Fact: Imber and Procella are the parallels of Therese Ramos and Beatrice Mora in Libertatem. Imber means rain, and Procella means storm. Simply put, Delta!Therese is a Rain Original while Beatrice is a Storm!Original. (This is purely headcanon. Why I chose those elements is a long, long trip throughout my mind palace.)

So, who the hell is Mail Arida, you ask?


Arida is the Latin translation of mirage.


This guy's a Desert Original. 

Desert Original? JUST TELL US ALEADY.


Mail Arida is the...Delta!Mathias Gletscher.

*waits for the bass to drop loljk a reaction*


Basically, Mail Arida and Eridanus Luceat have known each other for some time. They were able to meet somehow through the mirror that's there in Eridanus' room, and they've grown quite attached to each other since then. The thing is, they can't touch each other - physically. No matter what they do, they're always going to be separated by the freaking thing. 

So, why?

*takes a deep breath*

It's a headcanon of mine that in the Delta belt, the Arzen and Mathias of that place will never meet. Since everything is peaceful, why would they encounter each other in the first place? But there's the thing. I still think that they have a connection to each other through *insert TSP spoiler here*. I'd like to think that Arzen - or Rina, in this case, has weird, recurring dreams about this man for some unknown reason.

This would result to Mail and Eridanus' connection in Libertatem. Instead of dreams and all that, they would actually meet. They would actually know each other - but the mirror would be there to block them from ever touching/physically feeling each other. 

Frustrating and tragic? Hell yes.

Another thingy of mine is that the mirror is a harsh symbolism. It's like something you can't get through or ever change, like someone's appearance. Through that...I don't think those two can ever physically meet unless Rina Venura meets the Delta Mathias Gletscher in the real world. 

That's the whole sadness of it, really. 

Before I end this thingy, here's one last point to ponder on~

If Mail 'disappears' like what he does whenever someone enters the room, does that mean that he can be seen by everyone else (hence his hiding) or does he do that because Eridanus is the only one who can see him (and he doesn't want her to seem crazy in front of everyone)? 

Final question: Is Mail a figment of her imagination?

Thank you for reading, dear readers, and goodnight~!

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