Monday, July 28, 2014

Finalities: A Headcanon Short

Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Ammon kept a neutral face as he twiddled with the silver pendant on his chest. He ignored the stares of Demetria and Narissa, the later throwing him impatient glances and the former merely waiting patiently in her seat. It was just the three of them there – in the middle of nowhere – and they were waiting, waiting, waiting.

Ethon, Ammon thought dully, is always –

“Late,” Narissa hissed. Ammon threw a glance at his sister, who gave her raven hair a huffy toss. “Again. I don’t understand that idiot. What’s taking so much time over where he is?”

“Issa,” Demetria chided, placing a hand on the older one’s shoulder, “You know Ca – Ethon. He’s always like this. For the past years.”

“Past thousand. Million. Gods. I don’t know what to do with that boy,” Narissa sighed, leaning back against her chair. Ammon merely watched her, mouth curving up to a slightly amused smile. “Ammon. What are you smiling about?”

The silver-eyed male cleared his throat. “It’s nothing, dear sister. Nothing at all. Ethon’s lateness is just something that amuses me, rather than irritate. After all,” he met Narissa’s sapphire-blue eyes and gave her a half-hearted smirk, “We have all the time in the world, do we not?”

Narissa was about to give a witty reply when they heard something in the sky. Ammon’s eyes snapped upwards and he gave a flick of his hand, and the ceiling opened up immediately.

Demetria squinted, but couldn’t ignore the flash of red and orange swiveling towards them. Narissa gaped and she couldn’t help but gasp as the red came closer and closer –

And Ammon mindlessly threw a small, marble-shaped object towards the figure.

The person immediately stopped and crashed onto the pristine white flooring, hacking his lungs out.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lost and Found: An OTP Short

Matsumoto Residence
Tokyo, Japan

“I want you to find her for me.”

Kenichi Matsumoto raised a brow as he idly flipped the newspaper to the next page. “Oh? Who is it this time?” he lifted his eyes to Matt, who was standing in front of his desk, arms folded over his chest and mouth set into a thin line.

“The police officer who nearly caught me a few nights ago.”

“Ah, but I did.” Matsumoto set down his paper (ignoring the stunned look on Matt’s face) and took a paper out of a manila envelope, handing it to him with a small smile on his youthful face. “I suspected that you wanted to know who she was.”

Matt was silent as he took the paper, eyes flickering to the upper right – where a picture was pasted – and Kenichi noticed his fingers tighten around the paper, the ginger staying silent but nevertheless trying to conceal his emotions. “Well?”

“…’well’ what?”

“Are you going to make a move on this one?” once again ignoring the look on his subordinate’s face, Kenichi leaned back and watched as Matt struggled to compose himself. “I’m not judging you for it. She looks like a beauty, after all. And she’s smart. Quite young, but that shouldn’t be a problem,” he went on, not noticing Matt’s glare turn a shade darker with each compliment he fed.

“You’re not going to touch her,” he spat. “She’s–”

“She’s what?”

Matt found himself biting his lip to prevent himself from revealing any more information to the Japanese, who patiently waited for his reply. “…she’s someone I know,” he answered stiffly, eyes moving to read the woman’s file once more. “I met her years ago.”

Kenichi nodded thoughtfully. “Understandable. I’ll let you keep that,” he gestured towards the thin paper in Matt’s hands, “And you can study a little more about her. Of course,” he added, “I didn’t add her address or her phone number. I didn’t teach you to be a stalker,” he said dryly, and the man’s cheeks flushed red.

“I wasn’t going to stalk her,” he defended, but Kenichi waved if off.

“Yes, yes, whatever. You’re dismissed for the night.”

Alpha: AMV

"Her Alpha is strikingly similar to her Beta."
The only difference is the aura she emits."

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Encounters: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

Beta Belt
July 2014
High School Staircase

“You need to talk to Elaine,” Cianna Alrada rolled her eyes as she continued walking, “She’s been sleeping in English. And while we were having Algeb, she was writing in her notebook.”

“She was also taking down notes,” Beatrice Mora mused. “But hell. That shit was creepy.” Arzen was confused as they went up the stairs, Gabrielle Angeles following and Mathias Angelo close by her side. “I’ll tell you later.”

Mathias broke in, “Anyway. Vens, you have to give the personal data sheet to Ms. Rocha.”

“Right, right. Hold on,” she sped off to the classroom and the others already walked to the other staircase, which led them to the second years’ level. Gabrielle snickered.

“If Ms. Rocha’s absent again, Venura’s going to throw a fit.” Cianna shook her head and Arzen soon caught up to them, blue folder in her hands. “What if she’s absent?”

“Then I’ll get delayed,” the girl grumbled as she took the stairs. Mathias stayed quiet as the rest of them followed, Cianna and Gabrielle talking about other matters while Beatrice listened. “I – we have to get this done by next week. I’ll get killed if I get delayed again,” she mumbled, and the ginger nodded sympathetically.

“Hey. We’ll get it done,” he promised. Arzen sent him a small smile and nodded, pausing once they reached the floor of the Sophomores.

Once they had arrived, Beatrice choked.

And began to laugh loudly.

Cianna gave Arzen an impish grin. Gabrielle nudged her side.

Mathias could only stare as Arzen’s face reddened to the extremes.

Mini-Hiatus Over!

Hello, darlings!

Yes - I'm back! Hell Week 1.0 has just ended. Although I still have Saturday classes to take care of, midterms are officially off my plate and I can sit back (sort of) and get back to blogging.

In a little while, I'll be updating the sidebar a little bit...hope you guys can notice! 

I might be posting a few things tonight to make up for the five-day absence. It's great to be back! <3

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Hell Week 1.0: Senior Edition

Hello, Darlings! 

(Yes - that's what I'm going to call you from now on. Prat-inspired.)

As much as I hate to say this, I'm going to have to go on a mini-hiatus. Last week was supposed to be the hiatus, actually, but since Glenda came in like a wrecking ball, had to come at the worst time, Hell Week 1.0 was moved to this week.

I'm disgusted too, Godfrey bby.
The mini-hiatus will last from July 21 to July 25

Yes - just from Monday to Friday! That's how mini it's going to be.

Unlike Junior year where I could actually post every few days even during Hell Week, Senior Year's version of Hell Week's really different. I don't think there's any mercy this time. But then, since when has there been any kind of mercy?

But anyway, I'll be back by Friday evening! I might be making an announcement (a happy one, at least!) by that time, so hang on tight until then.

That's all for now. See you on Friday!

Happy Blogsary, Rothie!

It's Rothie's Second Blogsary today! <3
She'll be posting for the entirety of the day, so check it out~

Switched: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short


*~The Beta Belt~*

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“You keep swearing, Venura.” Mathias grumbled as he folded his arms over his chest. “I know there’s nothing wrong with it, but we might have to put a quota per week.” This made the short-haired girl stare back, her eyes wide with confusion and maybe a little bit of irritation.

“Mathias, you know I don’t swear as much anymore.”

“I had no idea it was April First,” the ginger mumbled. Speaking louder, he went on, “What’s wrong with me, anyway? I don’t feel weird at all.”

He usually appeared to her in the afternoons, and it stayed that way. They formed a schedule together – Mathias would work at Technika then come to her during the afternoons, then go back during the evenings. This would give Arzen time to do what she needed – school and whatnot – eventually finishing up by the time he would arrive.

But he…he had been there since she woke up.

“Did you and Eri get into a fight?”

“Eri’s perfectly fine.”

What a lie, she thought, but persisted.

“You’re not going according to schedule,” she hesitated, “…did something happen there?”

“Nothing happened, I promise. Calm down, Venura.” He cracked a smile.

Arzen couldn’t return it. He just felt so…

So un Mathias-like.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Electrically-Charged Snowstorms

"I don't get why you people like to submit to stupid objectification.
It's like you don't even want to defend yourself anymore."
"It's okay. You're okay. We're okay."

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Unspoken Goodbyes: A Wammy!Era Short

Wammy’s House
Winchester, England

“Why aren’t we doing anything?”

“We are doing things, Heather.” Linda gave the other a pointed look. “Just…just not as much as the others are. And we have to accept that.” But the other didn’t want to accept it. Linda sighed as Heather rose from her seat, leaving a pile of books on the wooden library table.

“I have to walk. I’ve been here since this morning.”

The girl nodded slowly, running a few fingers down her straight hair. “Alright. Come back when you’re feeling better, okay?” Heather nodded blankly and turned to leave her current place, leaving Linda in the middle of the grand library with her books and papers to herself.

It infuriated her.

Heather was sixteen and had recently finished her therapy. She felt shackled during the entire process. The session room was dark and gloomy, and she didn’t like it. She didn’t like how repetitive the whole notion was. She didn’t like the stares in particular, either – every time she would leave the room, people – mostly younger children – would be staring and whispering. Only Linda would roll her eyes and pull Heather away, her head high.

It was when her therapy stopped did she finally notice what was going on around her.

People were more secretive, and hardly anyone went outside nowadays. Heather desperately wanted to find out why – why the home she had grown up in had suddenly changed drapes and tossed old memories into the attic.

The children had grown more fearful. Teenagers averted their gazes. Even professors rushed more than usual. Roger was nowhere to be seen. As much as Heather mildly disliked Roger, she had to know at least what was going on.

It wasn’t as if she was a troubling student. Goodness, she was never anything of the like. She was an angel – a delight to teach. Heather was nothing like Linda, who would prod and smirk and tease endlessly. She wondered how she and Linda got along so well. So she had to be in Roger’s good books, unlike…

Heather sighed quietly as she turned left. Three people popped into her head instantly, a well-known trio who were long gone. She listed them off: the girl with raven curls who curtly introduced herself as J. The next, a hot-tempered blonde who prided himself as Mello. And the third, a smirky ginger with peculiar goggles plastered over his head. This one called himself Matt.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Desperation: A No Happy Endings AU Short

Is this how it feels when you have no muse?

Adrienne Free rubbed her eyes. The effect of the coffee was starting to wear down on her – she needed another cup to get her energy back. In front of her, situated on the neat wooden table, her laptop’s screen remained blank. The word document stayed empty. And it irritated her.

“This sucks,” she whined. “I’m gonna get my ass kicked if I don’t produce anything soon.” As she leaned back on the soft, cushioned chair, she frowned and folded her arms over her chest.

It had been like that for the past few days. Pursuing a Master’s Degree had taken its toll, and she found herself relying more on coffee than ever. Funny how it reminded her of an old friend’s habits, she mused, and smiled just a bit at the memory. Now, it was the weekend and Adri had a bit of free time to herself…or so she hoped, she thought glumly. With an oncoming storm, schedules would be thrown apart.

Including hers.

“D’you need more coffee?”

Adri looked up to see a pair of brown eyes staring at her. Nodding quickly, she let the barista take away her cup and watched as she walked off, then looking at the bar next. Her eye caught a figure.

“Ah –Elaine Rivers!” she called. The braided head barista looked at her curiously, “Are you on break?”

“There’s no break,” the other deadpanned.

“You’re not even doing anything,” the girl sang. Elaine merely looked at Adri, shrugged, and went out of her station, going directly to Adri’s usual place.

Elaine knew that Adri was a frequent customer – she was there weekly, and would always take the spot by the windows. She couldn’t blame her. If she was a customer, she’d take the same spot, too.

And it was a nice spot. The right amount of light would pour in and she’d be able to see everything outside – the nearby park, the people who passed…it was a writer’s dream. 

“What do you want, Adri?”

“I’m trying to get a muse,” she insisted. Elaine took a seat across Adri, “I’m here – I’m free from college work and I’m trying to get my muse back but I can’t and it sucks. You know that feeling, right?”

Saturday, July 12, 2014

#001: Asterious

Asteria: Goddess of the Stars and Prophetic Dreams

Infliction: A Headcanon Short

Era: Humanoid
Class Gamma
Arithmetic IV Period
Genus 4102

 “Goddamn it, Skylar.” Penelope hissed. Skylar merely gave a smirk and wink, sitting back down while the other students gazed at the board in wonder. Carmina merely smiled, watching her friend with lime green eyes. In front of the class, the older woman nodded appreciatively. 

“Does anyone else have another answer?” 

Penelope’s hand shot into the air. As she walked to the front, Skylar rolled her eyes and twisted a blonde curl around her finger, gazing blankly as Penelope furiously scribbled another method – another solution – on the board, this time in angry red ink in contrast to Skylar’s calm black. As she sat back down, the professor gave an unsure hum.

“That’s another method, but Ms. Viridia’s answer is a simplified and therefore preferred way of answering such a problem.” The professor’s ash grey eyes met Skylar’s, and she flashed a hidden smile before moving on to the next topic. 

Penelope remained sullen as they were assigned seatwork as well as homework, replying curtly to Carmina when the latter asked for her to check her work. “You need to calm down,” Carmina retorted. “Get some fresh air or something, Vermi.”

“Shut up,” the other mentioned, a little too loudly. The brunette frowned, turning away with a shrug despite herself. Skylar coughed to disguise a laugh. Behind her, Dolysia snickered as well. 

“Does it feel nice, Skylar?” Skylar glanced behind her to see Dolysia’s elegant and prim face, a smile on her thin lips. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ari Reviews: The Beginning of Everything

“Ezra Faulkner was the It Boy of his class: Mr. Golden Boy. He had almost everything he wanted and needed: a stable family, a drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend and was the star player in his tennis team. But after everything unravels as he resurfaces from a car accident with an injury too great to comprehend, Ezra finds himself at rock bottom…and within the range of new girl Cassidy Thrope.”

Hello and good evening! Welcome back to Ari Reviews, where tonight I decide to take on Robyn Schneider’s The Beginning of Everything. This book has been in my to-read list for the past two months, and a few days ago, I finally found myself reading it and finishing it only after a day.

As usual, I’m going to discuss the strong and weak points of the novel, as well as certain characters to be taken note of. The read more button is there for you to click if you’d like to know more. I’m going to avoid spoilers, but keep an eye for any plot-related details!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Black and Blue

"Should I be thankful that I'm alive, or should I curse the fact that I survived?
You're making it hard to choose for me."
"I want to smash in your face sometimes just to get you to shut up."

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Miles Gabriel: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

It was a peculiar voice who existed inside her head.

It started during her second year. She was taking a Statistics final when she had stumbled upon the next section and started to panic, the numbers and equations overwhelming her. She couldn’t tell which one to use, which one to match with the other – and she wanted to yell.

Fear unnerved her and numbed her other senses. The pencil in her hand remained limp. Her muscles refused to work and she swore she felt herself shaking.

The numbers weren’t making sense at all.

It seemed like hours’ worth of practice and tears went all to that: to nothing. She felt like crying. She didn’t want a failing grade, not again. It was the damned final and she had to at least get a 90 to maintain her average of not below 85 in the card.

It was a simple exercise, really. She had to match items from column A with that of column B.
A few of her other classmates had already finished the test, and she felt like banging her head on the table over and over just to remember the process, the way and get to the right answer.

‘Didn’t you study?’

It sounded so amused that she wanted to laugh herself.

“Of course I did,” she grumbled. No one else heard – their proctor merely remained inside the classroom, sitting on a chair and reading a book. The person in front of her was too immersed to even notice, and the one behind was fast asleep. “It’s…it’s stupid. I’m stupid. God. I studied for this last night and I can’t even…”



‘And don’t talk so loudly, it told her. People will notice.’

A little flustered, she decided to talk to the random voice.

This is sad. I’m talking to myself, pretending that the random voice is actually someone else –

‘Excuse you.’

She nearly jumped in her seat, startled at the sudden interference.

Just relax. Follow me.’

At the end of the exam, she turned in a completely-answered paper.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Disintegration: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short

“How do you feel?”

She didn’t know how to answer that.

Mathias looked up from her phone (yes – her phone) and let his eyes wander, from her eyes to her arms and finally back to her face. He cleared his throat.

“Wrong question, I assume.” He paused, “…how was today?”

She shrugged.

He persisted. He’d been getting a lot of shrugs lately.

“Did you finish your homework?”

“I did.” She gestured towards her planner, “I have free time left. It feels…weird.” Mathias let himself smile slightly and walked to her, setting the black phone down on the wooden study table and shortly looking at the screen of her laptop. Various themes appeared on the screen. “I’m…looking for themes. For the blog. I want to change it up for the two-year mark,” she told him. “I…I have extra time left. Three hours to do what I can, and then I’ll sleep.”

He listened. “Quizzes?”

She let herself smile this time, “Better than I expected.”

“That’s good. See?” he ruffled her hair, “You can do it. I told you so, Arzen. I know how you did during Trigonometry–” she grimaced, “–and that’s okay. That’s your starting point. That’s better than you initially expected, right?” the smaller girl nodded and he pulled a chair, sitting next to her.

“Even in Fil.”

“Even there. Now…” he took her phone, “You have to reply.”

Again came the silence.

Mathias took advantage of her silence.