Monday, May 4, 2015

Russ' Updates #031: Second Month

Hello and good morning, Darlings. Russie is currently squinting her eyes at the screen - she needs to get her eyes checked again. *shakes head* How much do you guys want to bet that her eyesight is slowly deteriorating? 

"You'll need thick lenses soon."
Marg, please stop throwing shade huhu. 

Hi Darlings! It's already May~ how have you guys been doing? It's my the start of my second month of summer, and I'm very convinced that I'm just wasting away, haha. Unlike other people who have been travelling nonstop or actually making do with their summer, I'm just Philippines-bound and I'm still trying to catch up on the sleep I lost during Senior year. 

Thankfully, I was able to accomplish all the thingies on my weekly to-do list. ^_^ I think the FC/UC posts are going pretty well~ I like how Marguerite's posts are going so far, especially the latest short featuring Marguerite's Humanoid named Theiara. 

"Hopefully, we can see more of Theiara in the future."

I don't have much to do this week, except for the usual me working at the family office. With that, I'll be doing my usual thing - posting shorts and graphics for Marguerite while perhaps continuing my Character Aesthetics graphics, which I've gotten into last week. :3 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Background Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics - Kenichi Matsumoto
[x] Russie Writes: An Friendship Short

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