Monday, May 18, 2015

Russ' Updates #033: Planning in Advance

Hello, Darlings!

It's two weeks until the end of May - and I honestly can't believe how quickly the month has gone. It still feels like the first day, honestly. *looks at calendar* Either way, I'm not too bothered - school will officially start for me this August 10, 2015 and it's still a bit more than two months away. 

And speaking of August - something hella special is coming up! Yes, friends, this coming August, I'll be celebrating the blog's third anniversary. *throws confetti* Though it's only May 18, I've already come up with two or three main themes for August's celebration. What it is I won't exactly be spoiling this early, but expect some teasers coming this July. :)

June is coming soon, which means a new character for the Featured Character section. 

"Hope you haven't forgotten me, Russie."
I'll do my best to post more thingies for Marguerite this week! I hope I still have enough for two more shorts and maybe an additional graphic for her...wouldn't want to end up leaving her hanging huhu.

Not much is happening for this week aside from the fact that I'll be attending a debut on the 23rd! I'm still hoping that I'll be able to travel way more before August 10, maybe meet up with my friends before college officially comes...we'll see. ^_^

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics -- Touta Matsuda
[x] Russie Reviews: Where She Went [Book Review]
[x] Russie Writes: A FC/UC Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic

edit: reached another goal! thank you, Darlings xx <3

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