Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spiritual Awakening: A FC/UC Short

Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Eyes flickered open to the sound of noise filling the air. Cloth swished. Air blew into the room. The temperature was cold. Orange eyes blinked and she slowly pushed herself up, sensing a weird lack of emotion registering into her system.

Theiara licked her lips and pursed them, trying to accommodate the weird emptiness as much as she possibly could. She didn’t like it. She definitely didn’t like the feeing of not feeling, as weird as that sounded.

She willed herself to feel something – anything.

As soon as she wished that, a barrage of emotion came and a loud gasp left her lips. Hands found themselves clutching tightly onto the sheets as she stared into the distance, mouth agape as emotion and memory pounded themselves into her head for the next couple of minutes.

Theiara found the white wall shifting into something else.

Before her eyes flashed both colored and uncolored scenes of a young girl doing various activities. Theiara saw flashes of brown hair, warm-colored clothing and an excited pair of tangerine eyes. She was able to witness everything from the girl’s birth to how she was at the very present.

With that, she realized what was happening.

Theiara was slowly crawling out of her empty state.

The impact of the girl in her head grew stronger. The more she Connected, the more Theiara felt a feeling of familiarity, a feeling of warmth. She shivered.

Was this how the others felt when they finally Connected –

A name rose to her lips.

“Marguerite Russet,” she whispered. “Marguerite.”

And the name felt right. The feeling of being Bonded was almost there.

As the memories installed themselves into her head and Marguerite’s feelings grew stronger, Theiara found herself restraining less and accepting more. It was always like that, she was told. At first, the desire to reject would be strong. She had been accustomed to living without feeling too much.

However, as the minutes would pass, she would just accept. The barriers would fall and the willingness to accept the new person would keep increasing until it was certain that Worldly and Humanoid were already bonded to the fullest.

Theiara had been waiting for that day for the longest time.

Apparently, so did Marguerite.

With a smile on her face, Theiara allowed herself to lie back and swam through the Worldly’s memories, thanking every existing deity for allowing the day to finally come.

* * * * *

“You what?”

Theira merely smiled as Asterious stared at her with wide eyes. “I Bonded with my Worldly this morning,” she said casually, as if saying that she had trained like she did every day. “And it’s like what the others say. It feels like you’re being completed,” she explained to her companion. Asterious nodded slowly, fiddling with a loose strand of blonde hair.

“I bet it feels wonderful.”

“It does,” Theiara agreed. She tapped her fingers lightly on her knee, the rush of energy not quite going away. “It feels…it feels like I’m alive,” she admitted. Asterious tilted her head, “I feel more alive than I have in the past years. And it’s a nice change, Aster. It’s a really beautiful change.”

“I wish I could Bond with mine,” Asterious said glumly. Theiara’s eyes flickered to the blank tattoo outlines on Asterious’ body and her mind immediately flashed back to her own tangerine markings. “Almost everyone’s getting theirs.”

“She will,” the brunette reassured. The blonde shot her friend a grateful yet tired smile, looking down to stir the contents in her cup. “You’re still here and healthy, right? Then that means that she’s doing okay.”

“I guess so.” Asterious downed her drink and wiped the corner of her mouth, “Will you go to the Shrine later?”

“Of course I will.” Theiara responded. “It’s custom. And I’d be incredibly ungrateful to not thank the Gods for finally bringing the opportunity. Do you want to come with?”

“Isn’t it something that’s supposed to be done alone?”

“No, not really. Unlesss you value your privacy. But I’d prefer if someone was with me, so…are you game?”

Asterious’ green eyes shone with mild happiness. “I would like that a lot.”

* * * * *

Russet Residences

Marguerite flexed her fingers, feeling a small tingle of energy shoot throughout her hand. She felt excited – giddy – happy.

It was Marguerite’s birthday, and she finally received her Gear. Her Gear. The thought of even owning one was enough to make her break out into a euphoric grin, remembering all the times her parents would take theirs out and shift into a more powerful version of themselves.

She had long longed for the ability to wield one of her own – a Gear or an Armor – and there it was. She had it wrapped around her hand, the device fitting like a glove – and hell, it even looked like a glove to Marguerite.

The item slipped onto her hand and fit perfectly – it looked like a fingerless glove, except made of stronger material that definitely wasn’t cloth or leather. Around the wrist area was a small hole where something could be inserted…something like a small pendant.

Her fingers found the pendant of her necklace.

Even though she couldn’t remember the name of the stone, Marguerite knew that it was a warm orange – the type of orange which her family adored and used to represent themselves. At the moment, the name of the stone escaped her, which frustrated Marguerite – she would have to ask her parents for the name once more when she went downstairs.

For the first time in her life, she began to feel complete.

Everyone around her had their own. Her parents were Gear-users, Althea Goldenrod (a close friend) had Armor, Harlene Viridia used Armor. Almost everyone around her had their own, and it had nearly driven her crazy to wait and wait until she finally got one.

She knew one person, however, who didn’t own one just yet.

Her thoughts fell to her blonde friend.

Skylar Viridia would be visiting later on to stay at the Russet’s for an overnight. Marguerite could already feel Skylar’s excited questions and prods, and felt that the girl would ask a lot about her Gear.

Marguerite would make sure to answer each and every one of them.

With her new Gear, she felt somehow stronger.

The brunette hopped off the bed and stood in front of the mirror which reflected her figure. Marguerite’s hair was beginning to grow longer once more, curling a little at the very ends.

She was just fourteen, but with the Gear on her right hand she already felt stronger and more capable.

The figure in the mirror smiled, and she felt it –

She felt the warmth of the pendant.

Marguerite knew that Theiara – her Humanoid – was definitely alive.

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