Sunday, May 31, 2015

Whispers: An Equilibriai Short

Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Harlene pushed Skylar into the gardens.

“Althea wants to see you,” she told her younger sister. “She wants to know how you’ve been doing ever since you got out of the hospital. Mom and dad are okay with it and they can get your usual place set up. Do you want that?” Skylar’s empty expression didn’t change and Harlene sighed, pushing the wheelchair with her sister further into the gardens.

“Your friend has been worried about you a lot. She comes over sometimes to ask how you’re doing and sometimes sits in while you’re sleeping. Althea even does the cleaning sometimes,” Harlene smirked, “Which is why your room is really, really neat. Our parents don’t want anyone else entering, but…Althea’s been your friend for a long time so she’s okay.”

Skylar still said nothing. Her wavy hair, which was usually sleek and vibrant with gold, faded slightly into a dull blonde. Dressed in a light-colored gown, Skylar’s usual, energetic self had crashed into the person she was at that moment.

Dr. Sulu had explained to the Viridias that a drop in emotional attachment or mood in general was to be expected. Skylar, after all, was recovering from an attack that left her a long time to recover. While they still didn’t know why she ventured out into the first place, they agreed that getting her better was the utmost priority.

And Harlene was trying to get her sister back.

“Yeah. Maybe you should have a small reunion with Althea,” Harlene murmured to herself as she pushed Skylar around, “Just see her again. Okay?”

Skylar gave the briefest of nods, the light in her eyes not quite returning yet.

* * * * *

Althea rang the doorbell, hopping on one foot anxiously as she waited for the door to open. In her hands was a basket of goods her eldest sister asked to pass along, and she was tempted to sneak out a piece of bread before remembering that it was something for Skylar.

Adelaide Viridia opened the door and smiled at Althea. “Hi, Althea. Here to visit Skylar today?” Althea nodded and Adelaide stepped to the side to let her in, Althea soon handing over the basket once the door closed.

“It’s from Chrys and my other sisters,” she explained. “She wanted to pass this along to you guys.” Adelaide took the basket and clasped Althea’s shoulder, smiling warmly at the yellow-eyed girl.

“Tell your sisters we say thanks,” Adelaide said sincerely. “I’m sure Skylar will appreciate this. She’s in the garden with Harlene.” Eyes widening at the thought of Skylar outdoors, Althea nodded quickly and sped off.

The mother watched Althea with fond eyes, glancing back at the basket soon after and taking it into the kitchen.

The black-haired girl ran into the garden and made a sharp right, knowing where exactly Harlene took her sister. She ended up running to the patio, spotting two heads of blonde hair with one of them seated. Upon reaching, Harlene caught sight of Althea and smiled.

“Nice to see you,” Harlene greeted. 

“Same,” the other panted. “How is she?” she saw Harlene glance at her sister for a moment and Skylar said nothing, staring down at her hands.

“She’ll be better after spending time with you.” Kissing her younger sister’s forehead, Harlene left the two of them with Althea unable to say anything else for a moment. Clearing her throat right after, she took a seat across her friend and poured tea into the cup set in front of her.

“Skye…how are you?” she asked softly.

Skylar said nothing. Althea sighed; she had been warned beforehand that Skylar had shut away from communicating with others.

She could walk and do things fine (with added assistance for some others) when Dr. Sulu had officially confirmed that she was doing better. However, things just went for the worse when Skylar had no intention to get up at all.

Althea’s visits cut off and the only updates she got were weekly ones from Harlene, who was talking to Lily – Althea’s older sister. After much persuading, Lily finally broke and told Althea that Skylar had suddenly lost all will to actually do things.

“I can’t understand it myself, Althea. She’s been recovering pretty goddamn well,” her sister explained. “Harlene told me that nothing too bad happened, aside from how she’d panic when realizing she’s in a tight space. But that was weeks ago. All of a sudden, she prefers to lie in bed and sleep rather than start to move around and grow accustomed to being active again.”

Althea bit her lip, knowing her sister suspected something else. “You think there’s something else going on with Skye.”

“I definitely don’t want to assume.” Lily sighed, taking a sip from her coffee. “Look, Althea. Chrys knows about it, too. Harlene asked for help from her first, but Chrys forwarded her concerns to me.”

Althea blinked but understood anyway. Chrys and Lily both worked for the medical industry. While Chrys focused more on the body, physical injuries and physical sicknesses, Lily took the more psychological route. “Chrys helped out Dr. Sulu a bit with his diagnosis for Skye. So she was pretty updated. We couldn’t tell you, kid, because we wanted to be sure that the information was accurate. Plus, you were worried for her as it was.”

“So why did Chrys forward the concern to you?” Althea asked.

Lily stayed silent for a moment, rising from her seat to pour herself more coffee. Upon returning, she had a bowl of donuts as well. Althea took one carefully.

“Don’t tell anyone that I told you,” Lily threatened. The youngest nodded, “Okay, here it is. We think the attack impacted her psychologically, too.”

“Hey, Skye?”

Skylar’s eyes flickered to Althea’s face, making the latter suck in a breath. I got her attention. I can do this. I just need her to keep with me. “I…I know you’ve been through a lot,” she said hesitantly, “And that sucks. It really does suck.”

The blonde merely looked at Althea.

“I don’t know why you’re not up to being outside either. To be honest, I’m worried,” Althea admitted. “I’m worried you’re keeping everything inside and letting it rot away slowly. I know you. You don’t usually do that.”

The other’s eyes began to draw away, but Althea reached out and touched Skylar’s hand. Skylar gave the barest of flinches at the sudden contact, yet Althea was determined to get her word across.

“Look…you need someone to talk to that isn’t Harlene? You know I’m just a phone call away. Right?” she didn’t nod or give a sign that she heard, but Althea pushed on. “We’ve been friends since we were kids, Skye. I know you. Don’t let it eat you away.”

Looking Skylar in the eye, she waited for the words to sink in and then began to pull her hand away from the other’s. To her surprise, Skylar held on. It was a weak hold, but it was something nonetheless.

“…thank you.”

It was the briefest of whispers, but it was something. Althea said nothing, yet gave her friend a bright smile, signaling that she indeed heard it.

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