Monday, May 25, 2015

Russ' Updates #034: Ending May

Good evening - er, morning, Darlings!

May is coming to an end soon enough and June is right ahead! That means a new Featured Character as well as two months to go before a certain something which is coming up this August~

"It was nice to be Featured this month, Russie."

It was definitely nice having you on the blog, Marg. <3 

I don't have too much my mind this week - I'll be working on OC/Aesthetic posts and I might post a few shorts this week. I've actually completed my 'quota' for the FC/UC posts - three shorts and three graphics - but who knows? Maybe I'll post one more thing for Marg before May ends. 

Not much is happening this week aside from college errands tomorrow and the usual work for the whole week. I don't think I'll feel the need to call for a small hiatus anytime soon since, hey - I'm school free for two more months! Anyway, here's this week's agenda:

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics -- Jian Lee
[x] Russie Photoshops: Character Aesthetics -- Noriko Inoue
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Short

Have a good week, Darlings! <3

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