Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Priorities: A TGSC Short

Tokyo, Japan
August 2015
Wednesday Afternoon

“So you’ve never really dated someone.”

“No,” Touta looked up at Peters and then back at the report he was busy typing, “Or at least not in a while? I’m not really sure. Ever since I got involved with HQ, I sort of stopped dating for a while. I don’t have time for it like I did back in college, to be honest.”

“So when was the last time you had a relationship?”

“I – shit. Probably while I started out HQ work. It’s been a long time, to be honest.” He laughed a little bit and ran a few fingers through his hair, “It lasted for a few months and we were never really serious. So splitting wasn’t exactly hard on the both of us.”

Peters nodded and rubbed his chin. “Interesting.”

“‘Interesting’?” he repeated, “What the hell is that supposed to mean, Peters?”

“Nothing, nothing,” Peters grinned and waved a hand freely; “Don’t you worry about that and just focus on that. A might get worried if we end up submitting shit late even though the deadline for ours is still next week.”

Touta chuckled, “Alright. If you say so.” Peters gave a wave and walked off, leaving the older Japanese man to watch him wearily before shaking his head and looking back at his laptop to continue typing.

In all honesty, relationships never really bothered him. Unlike A who had Matt, Mack who was seeing Jian, and Peters who liked to date around, the thought of dating someone never struck him as important. Sure, it was nice to have someone, but he was never quite bothered by not having anyone even though he was growing older as the days passed.

Peters asking him out of the blue struck him as weird at first; thinking about it, he merely shook the thought away and refocused his attention on the screen.

The tall American returned an hour later with a smug grin on his face. “Reserve your Friday night, T. We’re going out.”


“Hell yes. A’s clear and Mack’s clear. We just need you for it to be a full Squad A kind of thing,” he insisted. “Come on. Clear it for us.”

Touta made a face. “This Friday wasn’t really filled to begin with.”


The mildly excited look in Peters’ eyes made the Japanese wonder if their going out had some kind of ulterior motive to it.

* * * * *

The Keiji Bar
Tokyo, Japan
August 2015
Friday Evening

“Flirted with Jian again?”

“Fuck off,” Mack replied smoothly, putting the tray on their table. “We caught up for a few and then remembered that you guys actually had drinks ordered.”

“Thanks, asshole.” A replied drily. She elbowed Mack as he sat next to her, “Drinks don’t take ten to fifteen minutes.”

“I never complain when you and Matt talk on the phone and engage on verbal PDA,” Mack protested. The two proceeded to playfully bicker while Peters watched, taking a drink from his beer. Touta merely swished his drink in the glass, glancing around at the rest of the bar-goers and observing them. Peters’ brow quirked. “Or when he picks you up and both of you kiss.”

“You’re not required to watch!”

“You two do it in front of everyone,” Mack almost whined. Peters burst out laughing and A scowled, merely taking a sip from her drink while Touta looked back at them with a fond expression on his face.

“You alright, T?”

“Just fine,” he answered quickly. “Why?”

A tilted her head slightly, “You keep looking around and watching everyone else. Usually, you engage in conversation and talk with us. Did anything happen?”

“No, no. It’s what I do sometimes – like Mack,” Mack flashed a smirk, “It’s something I do when I want to just observe and all that shit.”

And of course, it had to be Peters who reacted to that.

“Spot anyone you like?”

Touta snorted. “Not exactly. I’m not scouting for anyone to meet.” This made A blink and Mack look at him, “Nor am I…really looking for someone to date.”

A looked down at her drink and coughed. “Aha. Shit.”

“Wait, what?”

Mack gave a nervous chuckle. “Peters wanted us to help you out with the whole finding thing. He told us.” Touta gave a look towards Peters and the latter’s smile went off slightly.

“Help me?”

“Look, I mean – I dunno man.” Peters suddenly looked embarrassed, “Sometimes I wonder if it gets lonely. And being lonely sucks since half us are in relationships.” Ignoring Mack’s facepalm, he went on. “So. You know.”

“You wanted to make sure I didn’t really end up alone either,” he finished. Peters nodded sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I appreciate the sentiments, really. But come on,” Touta laughed, “I’m just…just not in the zone to date, really. It’s not something I’m prioritizing as of the moment.”


“Really.” Touta confirmed. “It’s not like I’m in a serious relationship like A or seeing someone I’m interested in like Mack. Or into dating around like Pete. It’s just…” he made a weird gesture with his hands, “I don’t feel it. In case you’re wondering,” he added, “It’s not…not like I’m interested in anyone, no. I am interested. In people. I just don’t feel it now,” he said openly.

The rest of the three stayed quiet, nodding along to what he was telling them. “…makes more sense now,” the American finally said.

Touta made a small piece sign with his fingers. “I’m not angry, honestly. I appreciate you not wanting me to be alone.” He smiled at Peters and patted the other’s hand, swiftly taking a drink right after, “But I can handle myself. I can do things myself – I’m used to being alone,” he joked, and A made a face at him.

“You don’t have to say it that way,” she complained. Touta laughed.

“But it’s true.”

“You make it sound like you’re destined to be forever alone,” Mack commented. Peters listened from that point on and Touta noticed, merely chatting and drinking and enjoying with the rest of them.

Finally, he turned to Peters and lifted a brow. “You okay?”

“I’m still feeling bad,” he admitted with a short laugh. “Christ. I shouldn’t have assumed that you were wanting to look for someone.”

“Don’t worry about it, Pete.” He patted the other once more, “I get where you’re coming from. Get me?”

“Yeah. We cool?” Touta playfully lifted up a fist and the two fist-bumped, laughing with each other and breaking the tension. The action made A and Mack exchange relieved looks with one another. “What?”

“We don’t want conflict of any kind,” Mack answered immediately. A nodded and the two men snorted.

“Conflict over this?”

“Shut up,” A snapped. “We were prepared to move out in case the lot of you would end up bickering.”

“Your English side is coming out,” Touta teased, and she immediately slapped his hand while stammering out a reply. Laughter returned and Peters felt himself relax at the sight.

Yeah, he told himself.

We’ll be alright.

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