Saturday, August 1, 2015

Launching: The Genesis Celebration

Good morning, Darlings, and happy August! You know what that means! <3

"It's time to launch."
Welcome to the Genesis Celebration! After months of planning and (attempting to) get all the graphics done, I'm happy to welcome you all to a month of celebrating my three years on here. <3 To be honest, the Celebration officially starts tomorrow, but I was really excited to tell you guys what exactly to be expecting for this month.

From today until August 30, Russ' Updates will shortly be moved to Sundays. That is so that I can tell you guys who and what to expect for the next six days. From Monday until Saturday, I'll be posting once on each day. Expect three graphics and three shorts to be posted per week. :)

There will be a total of five main 'parts' for this Celebration. The first four will feature one unique character per part, while the fifth focuses on all of them as one main unit.

"This will be fun."
Unlike The Graduation Celebration wherein I revealed in what order the projects would be, I'm leaving the order for The Genesis Celebration as a surprise! You guys already know which characters will make an appearance...all that's left is to guess who goes first and who goes last. ;D

Back to the name of the Celebration - you may be wondering, Russie, why 'Gensis'?

Genesis is a Greek word meaning beginning. Since I focused on my high school works last March, I decided to dig deep into my roots this time around and focus on the OCs who have helped me get where I am right now. Said characters have been here since the beginning, and they've been with me as I went through my worse times and my better ones as a writer. So why not celebrate them, right?

It's going to be a great month - I can feel it - and despite the Celebration coinciding with the start of my college life, I'm definitely ready to give it my all. 

See you on Sunday for the first TGSC-related RussDate! Have an amazing August. <3 

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