Sunday, August 9, 2015

Russ' Updates #045: Week of Mack

Good morning, Darlings! :)

I hope you liked the first week of the Genesis Celebration - now that you've seen how the flow works, I think y'all now get how it's going to be for the next three weeks.

With Touta's week officially completed, I think it's time to move onto the next person, yes?

"It's nice to be featured, R."

It's Mack's week from today until the fourteenth, so expect the same line up of posts but this time, focusing on our snarky forensic scientist. :> I hope you're looking forward to the rest of August because I sure as hell am.

Also - not blogsary related, but - please keep me in your prayers/thoughts! I'll officially be starting a new chapter in my life as I start college tomorrow. Don't worry, though! I'll still be updating and posting daily until the end of the month, and I don't plan on leaving the Genesis Celebration behind.

Have an amazing week, loves! <3 

"I'm excited to be with you for the entirety of the week."

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