Monday, September 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #101: Stay Alive

Hi guys! 

(The title may or may not be a Hamilton reference.)

I'm still alive, thankfully -- academics are really not messing around huhu. I'm sorry for updating the two posts pretty late; things really got hectic over here so I only got time to do them once Saturday rolled in. As much as I want to assure you guys that things like that won't happen, they unfortunately will until things lessen a bit. D: But do keep in mind that I'm aiming to make sure that I manage to complete the Russ Features requirements! 

"Don't abandon me, Russ."
Hope you're all doing okay; things have been a little bit sucky but that's part of life. *insert shrug here* I plan to drop another Russ Features short as well as one for RRC! It's very likely that they'll be posted this weekend, so please be patient and keep an eye out for that. :) 

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Russie Fatures Short
[ ] Russie Writes: A RRC Short

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