Saturday, September 17, 2016

Good Together: An RRC Short

Merlot Park
September 25xx
10:46 AM

“You know what I’ve noticed recently, Lu?”

“What?” Lucian cast Choi a weary look. Humming, the other merely shrugged his shoulders and took a drink from his bottled water before answering him. “You and Am haven’t really been hanging out as of late. Did something happen?”

“Oh. No, actually,” he admitted. The two of them had just taken a break from their run; they were only a kilometer or two away from finishing. “Nothing happened between us. Both of just have just been really busy lately. When I’ve got missions, Am’s home. When she’s got missions, I’m home. It’s almost a little hard to meet halfway.” Choi cocked a brow at him and Lucian sighed, running a hand through his messy blond hair. “Conflicts and all.”

“Then why not, you know—take missions together or take missions that don’t interfere with your free times?”

“It’s not that easy.” Lucian stretched and Choi visibly flinched at the sound of joints popping. “Most of the time, they’re assigned so we can’t exactly back out. That’s a downside to becoming full-time, unlike you and Az.”

“Though you can’t blame Az, she’s got her family’s company. And I’m still waiting for the reapplication for full-time employees.” The other merely gave a hum at that. “Seriously? So you two can’t even get some quality time together?”

“Not as often as we want.”

“And to think I wanted you guys to stop being so goddamn affectionate a year or two back,” Choi complained. Lucian barely held back a smile. That was true—before any of them had really started taking the whole title seriously, Lucian and Amaris spent almost all of their time together. It eventually reached a point wherein Choi would consciously leave the apartment at specific times so that the couple could spend their ‘quality time’ in peace.

“We don’t really have that much time to do anything anymore.” Choi watched as Lucian bent down to retie his shoelaces, “Not even hang out.”

“Why aren’t you pushing for anything to happen?”

“I—sorry?” Lucian blinked as he straightened back up, Choi regarding him with an unreadable expression.

“You heard me,” the Korean insisted. “Why are you just letting fate run its course? You know that it won’t end well, right?”

“I’m not doing it because I want to avoid her,” he argued. “We really just can’t find the time for each other. At least not now, not when there’s so much work to be done.” And especially when Amaris wanted to improve herself, Lucian remembered. The entire Thalassa ordeal had knocked her out of the game for a few months; it had taken her a while until she and her stones were able to fully recover from what had happened.

(And if anything, he didn’t want to see her as despondent as she was during those months.)

A beat. Lucian wanted to start running again and hopefully get back to the apartment before lunch, but Choi looked like that he didn’t want to let the topic go. He felt annoyed for a moment until feeling bad right after; all Choi wanted was for both of them to be happy. They were a team, after all, pretty much family at this point.

To sate the other male and to hopefully get back to running, he reassured: “I’ll do my best to make time. And go on a date with her.”

“Thank God,” Choi sighed. He shot Lucian a small grin, “Let’s get back.”

And they did, eventually. Lucian and Choi stumbled back into the apartment, panting and sweating with Azzarra sending them the most judging of looks upon seeing them. “You look like shit,” she told them, plucking a flyer from the fridge. “You two want takeout?”

Choi, who had just collapsed on the floor, gave a garbled please. Lucian merely nodded at Azzarra’s suggestion, opting to take the less dramatic route and instead head upstairs to his room to take a cold shower. Struggling to get up, Choi sat on the living room floor and grimaced at the ache starting to settle in his legs. Azzarra watched with an amused smirk.

“Enjoy running with our Golden Boy?”

“Shut up.”


Lucian let the water wash over his face.

Amaris wasn’t there—she was sent out on another mission, this time with Hyun-ae and Zack. It was something that was supposed to last for a week; he remembered her telling him this. He also remembered giving her his ‘kicked puppy’ expression, only for her to smile sweetly at him and pinch his cheek.

“Don’t look so upset,” she had told him. “You know that it’s part of the job.”

“That doesn’t make it any better,” he complained. Amaris could only shake her head at him and pinch his cheek yet again.

The feeling twisted his stomach. He missed her. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, Choi was right. It had been too long since they had been together, what more on an actual date.

It made him feel a little bad. He wished she knew that he wasn’t avoiding her—granted, Lucian was ridiculously touchy with Amaris, but somehow he wondered if it was enough reassurance for her.

He turned off the shower.


She returned eventually—she always did.

Amaris got back to them a day late; she explained that there were some issues with arriving back, none with the mission itself. She explained this while Azzarra made her tea, while Choi listened, and while Lucian ran his fingers through her hair while resting his chin on her shoulder. He was touchy with her whenever she came back from a mission; the others were used to seeing their leader revert to ‘that’ state. “Ae and Zack are okay,” she told them. “Just bickered a lot.”

“Well, we’re glad you’re back.” Choi’s eyes fell to Lucian and he smirked, “Especially Golden Boy over here.” Lucian merely muttered a shut up and pressed a kiss to the juncture of her shoulder, making Amaris smile a little more. He eventually left them to join Azzarra, the two shifting to cuddle.

His arm wrapped around her. “You were gone a long time.”

“Can’t blame me.” She leaned against him, savoring his warmth. “Do you have any upcoming missions, though? It feels like we barely see each other anymore.”

“Not that I know of.” Amaris peeked up at him, seeing him smile down at her. “Not for a few days, maybe.” She nodded and it was silent between them until he casually brought up, “Would you like to go out soon?”

“Out as in buy food for the rest of them?”

Lucian pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Out as in date.” Amaris gaped for a split second before nodding and breaking out into a bigger smile while a blush dusted her cheeks.

“I—yes. I’d love that.”

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