Monday, September 19, 2016

Deserving: A Russie Features Short

The Cage
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
October 2016

“You two are disgusting,” Peters sighs.

Aether merely flashes him a middle finger as she cuddles against Mathieu, the other grinning and holding her a little bit tighter than he already was. “Don’t aim your bitterness at us,” she snipped back. “We didn’t even do anything to you.”

Peters gives Tadashi a look. “Look at them, Tad. Gross.” But Tadashi shakes his head and smiles at the couple, watching as Aether presses a kiss onto the redhead’s jaw.

“Not my fault you’re single.” Aether mutters. Mathieu bites his lip and snorts into her hair; she feels the trembles from where she is and can’t help but smile even more herself. “Again: no need to be bitter.”

Peters is about to retort when Tadashi interrupts smoothly. “Let them be, Peters. We all need some happiness tonight, anyway.” Aether shot him a thankful look before leaning in and kissing Mathieu lightly, the other kissing back just as happily. “They’re cute. And this is one of the rare times wherein we see A not as uptight or as stressed as she usually is.”

“I get stressed with reason,” she murmurs against Mathieu’s lips. They pull away eventually, with her leaning her head on his shoulder and he gently running his fingers through her hair. Peters watches them. He finds himself agreeing internally; it was indeed one of the times wherein Aether was more relaxed, assured. His banter and teasing was merely just for fun.

The four of them were out having drinks; Mack wasn’t available because of prior obligations that left the other members of Squad A instead. Mathieu was a change to plan; Aether brought him along saying that she didn’t want to leave him alone at the apartment, though Mathieu explained that he could handle himself well.

(Though Peters knew that Aether brought him to show them that he wasn’t an asshole. The team knew what had happened between them—and Mathieu wasn’t exactly Boyfriend of the Year in their eyes.

But she was happy. He knew that she was truly happy with him; Aether shone a little bit more when she was with him, and Peters had to admit to himself that maybe Mathieu was an okay guy.)

At the moment—Aether takes a sip from her wine glass and Mathieu reminds her: “not too much.” Tadashi still watches, as does Peters, as Aether makes a face at him. “Relax, mon cœur. You still have work to finish in the morning.”

“It’s been a long week,” she complained. Mathieu shook his head but let her drink, Aether finishing her wine after.

He thought that it was interesting how they worked. Their being a couple was obvious, if anything, but it wasn’t exactly obnoxious or overwhelming. Both of them had a certain glow about them when together; Aether was obviously happier and more content, and Mathieu looked at her like she was the best thing in the room at the moment.

Peters nearly sighed yet again.

“How about you, Peters? Aether tells me that you’re the flirt of the team,” Mathieu jokes, and Peters rolls his eyes (though smirks anyway).

“Not with her, don’t worry. And I’m taking a break.”

“You? Break from dating?” Aether questions. He shrugs.

“Is it that unbelievable?”

“It is, no offense.” Tadashi says. “You’re almost out all the time during the weekend and come to work on Mondays looking thoroughly satisfied.”

He waves it off. “Dates are different from flings.”

“How so?” Attention is all on him at this point. It unsettles him slightly; while he’s very much one who’s willing to brag about what had happened during the weekend, somehow, things like those made him nervous. Just a little bit. 

“It’s simple. When I date someone, I want to get to know her more. When I have a one-night stand with someone, it’s not exactly something long-term. Unless things change, but that’s not usually the case.”

Mathieu regards him carefully. “Why stop?”

“Relationships aren’t exactly a priority right now.” That was true. If one had asked him what his priority was back in high school or college, then getting a girlfriend would definitely be on top. But at this point, he didn’t quite feel the need. Not now, at least—there as still plenty of time left.

He thought Mathieu would prod more, but the redhead merely nodded and went back to cozying up with Aether. He knew that Tadashi was now keeping a closer eye on him, but somehow, Peters found himself not caring. Excusing himself momentarily, he left the booth to go out and have a smoke.

The three of them exchanged glances until Mathieu stood up as well. “Babe, where are you going?” Aether asked. She held onto his hand and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“Out. I think your friend needs an outlet.”

“Maybe we can do it,” Tadashi offered, but Mathieu shook his head.

“Trust me. I think I know what I’m doing.” Aether still looked unsure but Tadashi eventually nodded, murmuring for Aether stay with him.

Outside, Peters took another drag of his cigarette.

He honestly didn’t know what was up with him—the topic of being single wasn’t really a big bother. Tadashi was single. Mack was…on the fence, but that counted. It was only Aether who wasn’t single among the four of them.

(But she looked happy.)

“You look a little bothered.”

“Is it that obvious?” Mathieu said nothing but stood next to him, taking out his own cigarette and lighter as well. “Aether doesn’t like it when people smoke.”

“I smoke away from her. And she’ll let me off this time.” Peters nodded.

It was quiet; they merely stood there, smoking and not saying anything to the other. Peters realized that he and Mathieu had never really had a one-to-one personal conversation before. It was either he and Aether or he and Tadashi; being a bystander never really helped him gauge the newcomer.

When Mathieu spoke, he didn’t seem like the confident, wide-smiling guy. He just sounded reflective, in a way. “If someone like me was able to get someone like Aether, then you definitely have a bigger chance of finding someone.”


But Mathieu continued. “You’re a better person than I am. I’m not going to explain. To be completely honest with you, I never expected that she’d take me back.” he took a drag from his cigarette, exhaled slowly. “But she did.”

“She loves you that much.”

“It’s more than what I deserve.” Mathieu blinked; in that moment, Peters could have sworn that the other looked much older. “But anyway, the point still stands. You’ll find someone eventually.”

“And you assume that that’s why I’m moping right now? That might be a bit of a stretch,” Peters attempted to joke. But Mathieu shook his head.

“I saw the way you were looking at me and Aether. It was a little obvious.”

Huh. “So much for being subtle.”

“Don’t feel bad.” Mathieu’s lips twitched slightly, “My boss pays me to be observant, so it’s pretty much a necessity for me at this point.”

They stayed outside for a couple of minutes more. Peters stuck to one cigarette; Mathieu ended up smoking three. As they were about to go back inside, Peters asked suddenly: “So why did you leave her?”

Mathieu stopped. The question caught him off-guard.

“You love her. That’s obvious. So why did you leave?”

There was no answer. Peters thought if he had stepped over the line until Mathieu’s spoke quietly. “Sometimes you need to hurt the ones you love in order to protect them.”

And that was it. Mathieu headed inside with Peters following him after a couple of seconds’ worth of confusion. The two of them got back to the table with Aether wrinkling her nose and complaining that the redhead smelled like cigarette smoke; Mathieu could only grin sheepishly and press a kiss to her cheek. Tadashi regarded him quietly as Peters sat back down, retrieving another beer from the bucket in the middle of the table and popping it open.

“Are you feeling better?”

Peters watched Aether give Mathieu a small, playful glare before she sunk into his shoulder again. His arm rested around her and the two of them leaned against each other, fitting comfortably. Mathieu had the stronger scent of cigarettes between the two of them, but Aether nevertheless kept close to him, mumbling things quiet enough for him to hear.

He wondered what Mathieu had done. “I’m better.”

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