Saturday, December 31, 2016

Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2016]

Hello there, Darlings! 

Yes—the day has finally come. Welcome to the last day of the year! I’m pretty sure that most of the world’s already on the 31st day of December. It’s been long, it’s been (extremely) difficult, and it’s been challenging; but hey, we made it! That’s honestly what really matters. 

For the third time in a row, I’ll be doing a Year in Review. If you haven’t read the ones I did for 2014 and 2015, feel free to check them out! A Year in Review is pretty much just me talking about what went on writing-wise and whatnot during the entirety of the concerned year. I’ll be talking about the things I pushed through with, the things I didn’t push through with, and I’ll also be talking about what I’ve got planned for 2017. :) 

Aside from that, though, I might get personal too! Talk about how I’ve been doing in college so far and mention some personal goals that I want to achieve int the upcoming year. 

Without further ado, let’s begin! Click the ‘read more’ down there and let’s get this thing rolling! 

Teaser #04: The Four Loves Celebration

Friday, December 30, 2016

Memory: A Coalesce Short

Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 2016

Mack had a tendency to lose track of time.

He remembered the important dates, of course—he had celebrated Christmas a week back with the Squad. It was nice; they had exchange gifts and had brunch together at one of their favorite restaurants. The mood was at its best. Aether had been leaning against Tadashi and laughing as Peters told one of his stories from high school, and Tadashi had an arm casually wrapped around Aether’s shoulder. Peters was drinking and telling about one of his many failed dates when he was a high school freshman, and Mack—

Mack was watching, observing. And even then he felt happy.

That was Christmas, at least. When they had to get back to work two days after, Mack found himself losing track of time yet again and busying himself with work, just as he did for the rest of the year. There were times wherein Tadashi had to tap his shoulder and ask if he wanted to join them for lunch, and Mack was prone to meal skipping so he quickly agreed.

When he would tell others—like the Squad—that he tended to lose track of time and dates, Peters joked that Mack might end up forgetting his birthday eventually. The rest of them laughed at that, and Mack himself admitted that something like that could very much happen in due time.

And it did.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Russ' Updates #116: Completion

Hello, everyone! Hope you all had a good Christmas! 

I’m sorry for not posting this yesterday; believe it or not, I actually lost track of time whoops. It completely escaped my mind that Monday had already passed. 😅  Anyway, just a quick update on the January celebration: it’s definitely happening! There are two teasers posted already; please do take a look! 💕 Based on the name of the celebration as well as the teasers’ content, it might be obvious what the January celebration is going to focus on. Please look forward to it!

This week, I’ll keep doing the preps (graphics and all). Expect a few shorts to be posted as well as the remainder of the teasers, and my usual End of the Year Post!

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Babbles: A Year in Review [2016]
[x] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Teaser #03
[x] Russie Photoshops: Teaser #04

"Hey - enjoy the rest of 2016."

Monday, December 26, 2016

Traditions: A Coalesce Short (1/2)

Hartsfield-Jackson Airport
Atlanta, GA
United States of America
December 23, 2016

“Are you going home, too?”

Jian paused his music and looked at the source of the voice. There was a much younger female sitting across him, sunglasses perched on top of her head and regarding him with a curious expression. She had a rose gold tote bag on her lap and a similarly colored carry-on luggage next to her; Jian found himself staring before managing a short, reserved answer.

“I am. Where are you off to?”

“Back to Seoul; I’m staying for Christmas and New Year before coming back here.” Her phone made a noise and she excused herself to check the message; Jian took the chance to observe her further. The female wore a white hoodie with a shirt underneath, light-colored jogger pants, and white sneakers. She looked familiar, he realized, but couldn’t quite pinpoint who exactly she was. “Sorry about that, my friend just wanted to see if I was here already. And you?”

“Taipei.” She nodded slowly and it went quiet between the two of them; Jian glanced back down at his tablet and (tried to) resume reading, though sensed that the much younger other wanted to continue conversation.

Well. He couldn’t blame her, not really—it was the holiday season, after all. Around them were bunches of people, both family and friends alike, who were all chattering away with each other about plans and whatnot. It seemed like they were the few minority who were travelling alone without anyone else.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Russ' Updates #115: Greetings

Hello, everyone! Six more days until it's finally Christmas! 💕  It's a little freaky that time really is going by so fast; it seems like I started my semestral break only yesterday. 😅 

Hope that most of you are on break already! I've literally been doing nothing much the entire break so far; I haven't even gone out yet. Most of my days are spent just trying to write and get back on my a-game. I've wanted to do more preparations for the January celebration and everything, but...I don't know. I guess I still need some more pegs or some more inspiration before I can really start getting into the swing of creating again, you know? 

Speaking of celebrations--please do check out Rothie's! In lieu of a monthly celebration, she's currently holding a special one that will last two weeks. Please support her and stay with her for the latter half of the month as she focuses on two ~special~ ladies from Mirage! She's been putting out some pretty sweet material so far and pretty much deserves all the views and whatnot. ^_^

For this week, expect some shorts and then finally the teaser for the January celebration! Not quite sure how many there will be, but I want at least three on here before 2017. Aside from that, Rothie and I both agreed to post a collaboration/challenge/shitpost on Christmas. 😁

Please enjoy the week, and (in advance), a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to you all! 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Russ' Updates #114: Teasers

Good evening, everyone! 

Guess who's (finally) done with the semester! :'D I ended my first semester of sophomore year last Friday, and I've been chilling since. It's been nice to be able to sleep without feeling bad and to actually spend more time on my own projects and passions than ever. I've been meaning to post way more last weekend, but I think I was too busy catching up on sleep and recovering huhu. 

I have great news though--I've been planning the January celebration more and more, and I'm happy to say that I've got quite a bit done! All I need is to really plan out the posts and do the graphics in advance. I'm pretty excited about the theme; it's something quite personal to be as well as something I've been wanting to do for the longest time. ^_^ Please look forward to it! Might start posting teasers starting next week to get ~hyped~.

But for this week, I'll do my best to catch up on posts. I don't really want to put a Posts to Expect section like I always do (because to be honest, that pressures me a lot). So just expect posts to go up whenever they will! 

I hope you guys are doing okay, and if finals season is over for you guys, then congratulations on making it! Get as much rest as possible and treat yo'self. ♡

"Go--enjoy the break."

Tokyo Narita (3/?): A Coalesce Short

Shinjuku, Tokyo
January 2018
8:47 PM

“You’ve got a little something there.”

“Hm?” Aether peeked up at him and blinked as Mathieu wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “Oh—thanks,” she mumbled, ducking her head to hide the blush on her cheeks. Across her, he could only smile. 

The two of them had decided to go out that night. While initially agreeing that they could just stay in the hotel room and have a dinner of convenience store food, it would actually be nicer if they went out and explored around the vicinity of the area that night. While Aether had wanted to do initial research, Mathieu insisted on merely walking around and going wherever fate wanted them to end up. It took much coaxing—she was worried about getting lost—but she finally agreed and went off to freshen up. 

After fifteen to twenty minutes of walking and her clinging to his arm (it was cold, ridiculously cold that night), they ended up in a comfortable local eatery that served large bowls of ramen and tall classes of cola. It had taken a while for them to fully adjust; Mathieu spent minutes conversing with a waitress over the place’s bestsellers before ordering for the two of them while Aether rubbed her hands, regretting not wearing gloves that night. 

“I regret not wearing gloves,” she admitted. The now-empty bowl of ramen sat in front of her, the tall glass of coke three-fourths consumed. Chuckling, Mathieu took her hands into his and ran his thumbs comfortingly over her knuckles. “I wasn’t expecting for it to be this cold.” 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Russ' Updates #113: Clutch

Hello, everybody! Good evening and happy December to you all! 

Surprisingly, I'm pretty buzzed this week? To be fair, though, it's my last week before my month-long break! I know I haven't been posting lately and pretty much failed at the latest Russ Features (yikes), but that's purely because of how stressful the weeks leading up to the end of semester have been. Seriously. There's been so many papers to write and projects to due. 

Don't worry, though: I can assure you guys that starting this Friday, I'll be back and pushing my activity back up again! I want to make up this December for the posts I've missed and the posts I've long put off (such as the Tokyo Narita series, what's up). I'm still wondering whether to push through with something I've planned along Christmas week, but. *shrugs* Let's see about that, yeah?

No Russ Features this month, as I'll be doing my best to make up in activity and I'll be preparing for my January celebration as well! I hope you're looking forward to that! I turn nineteen in January, and I've got something nice planned so far. :'D 

That's all for this week! If it's your finals week as well, then the best of luck to you. Remember to take care of yourselves and to keep pushing! We only have a few left until Christmas. 💖

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: A Catching-Up Short (Mack)
[ ] Russie Writes: Tokyo Narita Part 03