Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Russ' Updates #123: Steps

Hi there! Apologies for the late RussDate--I had to complete some academic requirements first before devoting myself to the blog and everything. I think you can say that things are getting interesting around here because it's that point where things are starting to pick up? (Although let's be real, I say that every week.) It's not exactly midterms week, not yet, but--it's picking up. 

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty beat--but that's not the point! If anything, I'm pretty happy that I was able to stick to the things I was supposed to post. Especially with the graphic for Soo-yeon; if I had to be honest, I wanted to spend a bit more time figuring out what exactly happens to her...and I'm happy to say that I'm slowly getting things down! Baby steps. 👍

For this week, I'm still sticking to two other posts a week. Again, baby steps! I'm hoping to slowly increase it, but for now, I don't really want to force myself. 

"Shh. That's alright!"

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Photoshops: A Coalesce Graphic
[ ] Russie Writes: A Coalesce Short

Enjoy! 💙

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