Thursday, August 31, 2017

Discussion: Aether

Hi, everyone! Apologies for posting this pretty late—I might have ended the week by going out and having a fun time with my friends. And yes, that did include some drinking here and there. [winks] But I’m fine now, and that’s what matters!

Anyway, here’s the last post for August’s celebration. Before anything else, thank you guys so much for being with me for the past month and eing there as I took a look back and compared-slash-contrasted to what I have now versus what I had then. It’s pretty humbling to see, and I definitely know that there’s more room to grow. Regardless, I’m happy about the steps I’ve made to somewhat better both myself and the stories I’ve gotten to create over the years.

For this final 5B post, I’ll be talking about Coalesce’s Aether Maxwell. Feel free to click the “read more” down there if you’re interested in knowing more about my baby.

"I'm a little camera-shy."

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Discussion: A.

Hi, everyone! 

We’ve finally reached the last character to be featured for the fifth blogsary celebration. She’s pretty much been with us since the beginning, and I chose to save the best for the last considering the amount of changes that she’s been through. For her character, I’ve decided to spend yesterday and today focusing on DNAU!A, with tomorrow and the day after that focusing on Coa!Aether. I figured that if I were to compile everything into one big post, it would be way too long for everyone to read (and for me to write, hehe). 

I’ll spare you the long introduction—feel free to keep reading down below! 

"I'll try not to be too embarrassed."

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Discussion: Touta vs. Tadashi

Good evening, mi loves! 💛

For tonight’s discussion, we’ll be discussing Touta Matsuda from the DNAU and Tadashi Sato from Coalesce. This is one comparison that I’ve been looking forward to for the longest time, considering that both characters (especially Tadashi) are very close to my heart. 

We’ll be going back to the source material for this one, so if you’re unfamiliar with Death Note’s canon, then I’ll be explaining quite a bit of it in the post! It’s pretty much needed if you want to understand how Touta’s shifted when it came to DNAU, and how Tadashi improved as a character come the time of Coalesce. As much as possible, don’t skip the background—it might be a little confusing to go in without really understanding who the original sourced character is. 

Without further ado, let’s start! Click the “read more” below if you’d like to keep going. 

"Let's go!" 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Discussion: Samuel Peters

Hi guys! 

We’re pretty much coming closer to the end of the blogsary; we’re only eight days shy before we end the month and move on to September. Following today, we’ve got two more characters and I’ll wrap up the entire thing! 💙  I hope it’s been a nice experience for you guys. I’ll hopefully explain everything in my closer post, so look forward to that! 

For now, though, we’ll be focusing on Samuel Peters. Again, similar to Jian and Mack, Peters’ name has remained the same despite the shift towards original fic. To prevent confusion, I’ll just insert “Coa” or “DNAU” in front of Peters’ name! 

Feel free to click down below if you’d like to know more. 

"I bet you want to know more."

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Discussion: Mack Thomas

Good evening, all! 

If you noticed, I’ve shifted the schedule quite a bit. Instead of cramming two posts in one night, I decided to have Sunday as dedicated to Mack’s Discussion post. Watch out for the shifting of layout in a few hours! We’re getting pretty close to the end of the month, and this time we’re heading into Squad A territory. 

For this post, we’ll be talking about Mack Thomas. Similar to in Jian’s case, his name pretty much remains the same. I’ll be using the same system as last time—come the concluding segment of the post, I’ll put “Coa” or “DNAU” in front of Mack’s name to prevent confusion on which Mack is being discussed. 

As usual, if you’re interested in getting to know both versions of Mack, then feel free to click the “read more” link down below! 

"Do enjoy your stay."

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Discussion: Jian Lee

Hi, everyone! Sorry for posting this a day late—I wasn’t feeling too great last night and decided to rest earlier than usual. I’m feeling a bit better today, so here I am! I’ll try not to miss another day for the rest of the celebration. 💜

For this post, we’ll be talking about Jian Lee! His name remains the same regardless of whether we’ll be talking about the one from Coalesce or the one from the DNAU-verse. To make things easier, I’ll simply add “Coa” or “DNAU” in front of his name so that there’s no confusion on which Jian is being discussed—at least in the culmination part of the post! 

With that out of the way, feel free to click down below if you’d like to know more about him! 

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Discussion: Kenichi vs. Jin-ho

Hi, guys! Apologies for posting this late—I’ve been doing readings and short assignments all day, and I sort of wanted to get most of them done so that I could spend my Sunday chilling out and doing some light reading. Anyway, welcome to our fourth discussion! 

This time, I’m going to be talking about Jin-ho (from Coalesce) and his counterpart, Kenichi (from DNAU-verse). Looking at the two of them, they’re pretty similar; I sort of want to say that not much has changed, but as we’ve seen from the prior discussions, there’s always gotta be some degree of change here and there, right? 

Click the ‘read more’ if you’re interested in finding out more about these two businessmen! 


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Discussion: Mathieu and Matt

Hello, everyone! While school has started once again, that doesn’t mean that I’m going to let anything get posted late. Welcome to the second week of the blogsary! 

For this round of rambles, I’m going to be talking about Mathieu from Coalesce and his counterpart from the DNAU-verse, Matt. As early as now, I want to say—boi. So much has changed when it comes to Mathieu vs. Matt, and those chances are ones that I sincerely like! Not to mention that whatever changes I’ve been applying have made me even more excited to write for him whenever that time comes—hopefully, soon! I just really like what I've got planned for Mathieu's arc.

If you’re interested in finding out why I’m Very Pumped, feel free to click the ‘read more’ link down there! This might just be one of my favorite dicussions yet. 

"I've got drinks for everyone."

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Discussion: Linda and Lysette

Hello, hello—good evening, guys! 

We’re pretty much wrapping up with the first week of the fifth blogsary celebration. I hope it’s been great for you guys so far! For this Discussion-slash-Rambles, we’ll be talking about Lysette from Coalesce and her counterpart, Linda from the DNAU-verse. Seeing as Lysette is one of the newer (if not the newest) main character in Coalesce and how Linda barely made appearances in the DNAU-verse, tonight’s discussion might be an interesting one. 

Click the ‘read more’ if you’d like to keep going! 💚

"At least I get some of the spotlight this time."