Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day Six: Clothes

Day Six: Sunday
Sixth Challenge: Wearing Each Other’s Clothes.

He stirred lightly in bed, soon opening his eyes and allowing himself to stretch with a yawn. Matt ran a hand through his tousled hair, blinking the drowse away and soon rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. A muffled moan came from his side and he gazed at the woman beside him, breaking out into a small smile that was there whenever looking at his beloved.
Matt gave a small chuckle at her appearance, admiring how calm she appeared when she was sleeping, fond of the way her hair stayed in its’ neat style when she slept, unlike his, which was always a mess when we arose from sleep.
“Adorable,” he said quietly to himself, looking at his phone to check on the time –
His pace paled and his blue eyes widened in surprise and slight terror at the same time.
It was 9:23.
He had a meeting with Matsumoto at 9:30.
Ari had a case to get to at the same time.
“Babe, babe – wake up, we’re gonna be late!” she grunted in response and opened her eyes, squinting at the sudden bright light that filled the bedroom.
“We have things to get to,” he reminded frantically, jumping out of bed and pulling on a white shirt that was discarded on the floor due to their “activities” the night before. “I have a meeting with Matsumoto and you have a case, remember?”
Her green eyes flickered with sudden remembrance.
“Oh my God!” she squeaked, doing the same as he and racing to the bathroom, slamming the door. He heard the shower turn on and the yelp from her, and had the feeling that she would have to bathe with cold water for now. He facepalmed internally and slid on his pants, momentarily wondering why they had gotten so tight. He ignored it, though, and pulled on his shoes, buttoning up the shirt (which was also tighter than usual) after and swiping his important belongings as well as a manila envelope that lay on the wooden table in the room.
“Ari, I’ll go ahead, alright?” he yelled over the sound of the shower.
“Sure thing, I’ll see you later!” her voice was muffled, distracted. Matt was about to leave when he remembered to remind her of something else.
“And babe – get some food in you.”
* * * * *
She had stepped into HQ, carrying a paper bag with buttered toast and her hair damp, face clear of make up that she usually wore. People who passed greeted her and gave her strange looks before looking away, and she ignored them, assuming that they weren’t used to her looking so unkempt.
“Good morning, A!” greeted Touta Matsuda, a co-worker and Ari’s senior. She murmured a greeting back and bit a piece off the toast, making him chuckle as he brought her to the room. “Alright, so we obviously have a lot to do today. We’re a little off-track, but we can adjust easily, that is, if you’re flexible. Do you think you can do it?”
“Of course,” she replied whilst opening the folder. “Straight to business. The toast will have to wait, and I can let my hair dry while time passes.” Touta nodded, agreeing with her and opened his mouth to speak...and then he noticed what she was wearing.
In a non-perverted way, that is.
He cleared his throat. Ari looked up at him with a frown.
“A, forgive me for noticing, but...” his eyes wandered down her body, studying what she wore. Her confusion grew, mixed with a slight bit of irritation.
“Really, what is it?”
“ the shirt you’re wearing a little too – er – restrictive?”
“And again – what?”
“A, do me a favour and look at yourself.”
She frowned more, facing the floor-length window that allowed her to get a view of herself. It took her seconds to realize what he meant, and why the agents were really staring at her when she entered the building.
A red lipstick kiss mark on the neck part of the shirt.
Tighter space in the chest part, more than usual.
Pants that she scoffed at, finding them too masculine.
The fact that she strongly smelled strong tobacco all over the clothes that were obviously not hers made it a million times worse. A number of events raced through her mind that occurred the night before.
Kissing him back while keeping him against the wall, her lipstick-covered lips moving down his neck.
Admiring his sculpt chest through the slightly sheer top.
Teasing how his pants looked.
Ari stared at Touta in horror, the latter struggling to not laugh.
If she was wearing Matt’s clothes...did that mean that –
Her face flushed at the thought.
* * * * *
“...and because of this, we might need to tighten up security.” Finished Matsumoto, who gave Matt a disapproving gaze. The British man struggled with his attire, unbuttoning yet another button on the white top he currently had on. Not to mention that his pants were definitely revealing his crotch area, which he only permitted to do so around Ari.
He noticed his superior looking.
“Sorry, sorry. What was that?”
“I think you need to go home and change your clothes.”
“Excuse me? Traffic would be getting worse and I’m pretty much comfortable with what I’m wearing. It would be pointless to go home and change.”
“Mhm, look at yourself and say that again lover boy.”
Matt glared at the other and stood up, (which made Matsumoto chuckle) facing the mirror behind them.
“See, there’s nothing wrong!”
The word wrong died in his mouth as he fully registered his attire for the day.
A white top that would definitely show off his curves (if he had them), a few buttons about to fall off due to damage, and a slightly floral scent that reminded him of someone’s attire a day before...his pants were tighter, definitely longer than his usual, and were made to show off a fine pair of legs that were obviously not his legs.
He recalled the events way before he took her to bed.
The way he kissed her neck, breathing in that floral scent.
The way he almost ripped the top off her.
His difficulty in removing those God-be-damned pants.
“Jesus fucking Christ!”
* * * * *
At the end of the day, the two looked at each other once inside their home.
One was in a tight attire, obviously uncomfortable.
The other was in something much looser, and she was embarrassed.
“The next time we be intimate, how about we carefully set aside our clothes?” Ari suggested, breaking the silence.
Matt cracked a smile.
“We can do that right now.”

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