Monday, December 24, 2012


"Wow. What a year." 

He gave her a smirk. "It isn't the thirty-first yet, babe." Arianne rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder lightly. Matt faked a cringe and rubbed the punched area, but took the time to let his eyes wander down her body and appearance. Her hair was down, for once, with a small Santa hat propped on top of her head. She wore a red dress that reached her knees with matching heels, and to complete the look, a glass of red wine was in her hand. It was probably her third, but he found himself not caring this night. 

"What a view..." she smiled. 

"It's Tokyo. What do you expect?"

"Mm," he murmured absentmindedly, pulling her into his arms. He wasn't quite talking about the Tokyo view. "I guess." he could practically feel her frown from below. Matt laughed, gently running his hand down her long black hair. "Babe, you do know I wasn't talking about the Tokyo view..." his voice trailed off. She blushed, taking a sip of wine to momentarily distract herself. 

"...why am I not surprised." 

"You like it when I compliment you." she blushed more. 

"...shut up." A mischievous grin lit his face, and he buried his face in her neck, taking in her scent. Berry lotion, and her breath stained with delicious red wine. Intoxicating. "You always do that." 

"Mm?" he looked at her. "Do what?"

"Compliment me." Matt blinked.

"Baby, you deserve the compliments." 

"You do, too."

"I'm a man." he pressed his lips on her neck, earning a shiver from her. "I can live without compliments. And as I said - you deserve them more than I do." he trailed kisses down her neck and to her shoulder, grinning more at the flustered look on her face. "I can do much, much more than compliments if you wish..." he pulled away, running a finger down her cheek, "...and turn those compliments into praise instead." 

His hand led her own, he making her set the glass of wine down on a nearby table. 


He kissed her, leaving her with no choice but to kiss back. She threw her arms around him and kissed back eagerly, melting into his grip and running her hands through his red hair. He chuckled at her eagerness, running a hand down her body, fiddling with the zipper that was the key to the dress' removal. Feeling his nimble fingers, she pulled away with a cocked brow. 

"Sneaky little bastard," she scolded. 

His blue eyes twinkled. 

"I might have to increase my efforts, then." she blinked and was about to demand what was going on when he lifted her up, her squealing in surprise. Matt winked at her and brought the protesting woman in, looking forward to the night ahead. 

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