Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Offer

Hysteria x Doctor Who
“I know everyone, Verena.”

“What a mediocre Christmas…”

Verena sat by the window, gazing outside with a blank look on her face. Christmas 2012 was terribly uneventful. Despite the wonderful gifts and the relatives who came, it was certainly just like another old day of Christmas break. A sigh left her lips, and her gaze never left the view outside. The moon shone bright on the garden of the Herman home, and she was restless.



“I want to go and have an adventure, just for this night.”

There, she said it. Those words, one sentence. She held her breath, anticipating for a portal to erupt into her room and take her away, to bring her back by dawn. She waited for a few minutes, and released a breath of pure irritation now, kicking at the rug in the room.

“Yeah, right…in my dreams.”

The lights in her room flickered.

Her green eyes twitched up to the light bulb.

How odd, the lights were off…and they flickered again, once and then twice. Utterly weirded out, Verena switched the lights on and then off, and was sent into a false relief when they refused to malfunction once more…until ten seconds later. Verena felt a feeling of slight fear rise, but shook it off.

It was nothing more than electrical errors and such.

She turned around to go to bed, but another noise stopped her dead in her tracks. Verena stiffened. The sounds of groaning and wheezing filled the air. Her eyes widened and she nearly ran to the door when something next to impossible happened right in front of her.

A blue police box faded into her room, filling up nearly half of the space.

A peculiar man stepped out, unblinking and his hands in his pockets. He had some sort of skinhead-styled hair (that, or he was balding) and he had twinkling eyes. He smiled at Verena, the latter with her mouth open in shock, and he extended a hand out to her.

“Hello. I’m the Doctor.”

She couldn’t speak. This was when he blinked, a little unnerved at the lack of reaction. This was uncanny, even for him.

“Verena Herman?”

That seemed to snap her out of it.

“…how do you know who I am?”

“I know everyone, Verena.” There it was again.

That carefree smile.

“How the hell did you get into my room?”

He sensed the mood. Ah, blast it. She was starting to get angry.

“Simple.” He leaned on the blue contraption, still smiling. “The TARDIS.”

“…the what, now?”

“Time and Relative Dimension in Space.”  

“Isn’t that a regular police box?”

He grinned.

“Not so, Verena. Would you like to come in?”

She blinked.

And then reacted. Negatively.

“Hell no I wouldn’t!” she hissed. “Y-You might be some kind of rapist or killer, molester or kidnapper – that’s it, get out of my goddamn house or I swear to God, I’ll be calling the cops on you!”

Her temper would scare others.

But the Doctor didn’t even flinch.

What he said next made her forget about her anger.

“Would you like to go out?”

“…excuse me?”

He opened the door of the object – the TARDIS. “Come with me for the night, Verena. There are things going bump in the night.” His eyes seemed to radiate excitement. “Angels waiting for you to blink.”


“Weeping Angels.” And again, he extended a hand out to her. “So, Verena. Are you willing to go with me? You’ll be back in the morning, safe and sound. That is, depending on our luck.” He laughed, but this made her scowl at him. “All joking aside – would you accept my offer?”

The thirst for adventure.

The sense of danger.

She took his hand.

“Take me away, Doctor.” 

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