Monday, December 31, 2012

Day Seven: Cosplaying

Day Seven: Monday
Seventh Challenge: Cosplaying

She twiddled her thumbs, looking away yet keeping a shy smile on her face. Her request was out of the blue in the shared Maxwell-Jeevas residence, where the couple had lived for the past months (and past years for the young woman). Matt merely blinked, comprehending her simple, yet somewhat intriguing request. How odd. To dress up – no – that was the wrong term. She was asking him to accompany her to the office Halloween party to what, exactly?

He searched for the term in his head.

Ah, cosplay.

Dressing up and representing a specific character. Matt was alright with this, as long as the costume wasn’t too skimpy, revealing, or glorified his girlfriend in a negative light. The thing was, as whom? This was what she hadn’t told him just yet. Matt, however, had a feeling she had a small trick or two up that leather sleeve…

“I’m alright with that, but as whom?”

She merely took his hand and brought him to the living room, where her laptop was. She sat them down and she took her laptop, researching for a few minutes and finally showing him the two characters with a large smile on her face.

Rose Tyler and the Ninth Doctor.

He raised a brow.

“So this is why you’ve been staying up late…and not because of a case, I see.” She scowled at him and clicked a few more pictures, showing a blonde young woman and a slightly older man with unusually short hair. He squinted his eyes at the laptop and finally nodded, making her clap her hands in pleasure. “Babe, how exactly do we, er, cosplay as the two? You’re not blonde and I can’t crop my hair as short as that.” Perhaps she was willing to dye her hair, but Matt wasn’t. His thick head of red hair was precious to him.

“Relax, we don’t need to adjust our hair or anything for that.”

“Hey, how about I go as him?” Matt grinned and pointed at another man, with hair longer than the previous man’s but still short. “I can dye my hair for the event. He’s still with that blonde girl, right?” he looked at her, expecting her lips pursed and considering the choice, but she looked crestfallen.

“That’s Ten.”

“Yes, so…?”

She gave a grief-stricken look. “Come on, Matt, Nine was her first love! Well, if we put aside Mickey, who I don’t consider as her first love, but as a boyfriend but not really lover – you know what I mean!”

“Love, I can’t crop my hair.”

“You don’t have to. There are a few shops selling bald caps.”

“What?! Bald caps – baby, I’d rather not.”

She pouted.

And he actually pouted back.

It lasted for another few minutes until she sighed, nodding with a remorseful look on her face. “Ah, blast it. Fine. You can go as Ten and I’ll go as Rose.” She gave him a look. “As long as you follow the outfit, we can work this out…and if you dye your hair for it.” He grinned, kissing her on the cheek.

“Of course I will – just give me the outfit and I can start improvising.”

“Alright, so we have this…”

* * * * *

It was the day of the party. Ari adjusted her blonde wig, smiling and waiting for Matt to exit the bathroom in his outfit. Honestly, she was excited. Going as two characters from the British television show Doctor Who with her boyfriend was something she couldn’t do everyday. Might as well make the best out of the event. Looking at the bathroom, a grin spread out on her face as Matt came out, wearing a slightly embarrassed smile.

“Is it supposed to be like this?”

“Perfect…” she couldn’t help but walk to him and run her hand down his chest. Matt was wearing a brown suit with blue polo inside, along with a black tie and dress shoes. His usually red hair was dyed a brown, and kept a pair of sunglasses inside his pocket. “You look just like Ten!”

“And you’re my Rose,” he replied with a devious smile, picking her up and spinning her around. Ari’s had on a blonde wig that was tied into a single ponytail, also wearing a pink headband. He couldn’t believed how much pink she was wearing – a pink dress and pink heels, topped with a blue, leather-like jacket. She too had sunglasses in her pocket. “Jesus, babe, you really went all out…”

“A trip to the mall helped.” She smirked, kissing his lips. “We’ll be taking the motorcycle. You’re driving.” Matt chuckled darkly as she handed him the keys, his blue eyes glinting mischievously.

“Me, hmm? I hope you can handle my driving.”

“Hush now, Doctor,” she put on a faux-English accent, rolling her eyes. “Let’s go.” They walked out of the house after that, holding hands and getting onto Ari’s motorcycle. She put on a pink helmet (after smacking Matt on the shoulder for laughing) and a white one on his, then taking out her sunglasses and urging him to put his on.

“Should I really wear these?”

“Do so and I’ll give you a kiss when we get there.”

“How about a kiss and something more when we come home?” he smirked and she blushed, huffing and crossing her arms.

“I should have made you go as Captain Jack.” Matt turned his head and stole a kiss, making her squeak in surprise.

“Hold on tight,” he said after pulling away. “You’ll need it.”

 Author's Note: 
If anyone wants to know the outfits Arianne and Matt had to copy to cosplay Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor respectively, here it is~ the following links should help you out. 

None of the images posted are mine. :) 
Doctor Who is not mine as well.

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