Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day Two: Cuddling

Day Two: Wednesday.
Second Challenge: Cuddling Somewhere.

“Juliet is a mad tosser,” snorted Matt. He held the book in disgust, nose wrinkled and appearing ready to rip it to shreds. “Love at first sight and all that bullshit. Why do you even like Romeo and Juliet, babe? I’m pretty sure A Midsummer Night’s Dream is way better than this tragic.” From the kitchen, Arianne sent him a small smirk, carrying two mugs of just-made coffee. “I’m thankful we never really did any in depth reading into this book. Or any of Shakespeare’s other plays, even. It’s like the same thing over and over again, just different genres and different characters.”

“It’s just the first act.” She reprimanded him gently, walking to the couch and sitting next to him. She put the two mugs on the desk in front of them, smiling this time as she wrapped her arms around the ginger man. “And no, Shakespeare doesn’t have love at first sight in every play. The Merchant of Venice is about justice. Macbeth is about ambition going wrong. And don’t get me started on Hamlet. Don’t judge until you reach the end of the book. And it isn’t Juliet who’s the idiot…Romeo is, too.”

“All males are the idiots,” heaved Matt with great exaggeration. She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m kidding, baby. I’m not an idiot.”

“Just read,” she urged. “When you’re done…or at least done with half of the story, you can rant it out.” Matt gave her a pleading look but did so anyway, mumbling the lines quietly as she listened. Her hand moved up and gently played with his hair, putting him at ease. He soon forgot she was there and just read silently, eyes going from left to right, a finger flicking the page and he momentarily looking at the meaning of some words on the left side of the book.

She chuckled softly and hummed to herself, reading along with him. He could tell and shifted a little bit, changing the book’s angle so that they both could read it with ease. A few minutes after, Matt set the book down. Looking at him in confusion, he only gave a wink in response and took her into his arms, lifting the book after. She looked up at him and smiled, snuggling contentedly into his chest and reading along. His hand would linger on the corner of the page, waiting for her signal, and she would nod upon ready to move on. The twosome stayed like that, on the couch and reading, until both of them finished the book. The mugs of coffee, most likely cold and not drank, was actually empty. Both of them had drunk while the contents were lukewarm.

“So…” she shifted. “Was she still a tosser?” she put on an exaggerated English accent at the last word. He scoffed.

“Damn right, she was.” Arianne laughed and shifted once more, their chests now pressed together and she smirking lightly at the semi-irritated look on his face. Matt suddenly appeared thoughtful. “We can have a cuddle in the bedroom, seeing as we were comfortable enough while reading it…” he ran a hand through her hair. “Or we can do something more than cuddle. On the couch.”

Her eyes lit up.

“Do more cuddling and watch TV?” she asked hopefully. He laughed, but facepalmed on the inside.

“Not what I was thinking, but that would work, too.”

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