Saturday, August 10, 2013

La Douleur Exquise

Sylvia was a naturally happy person. This was obvious enough – the Seniors of Sacrum Cor always cheered up whenever she entered the classroom for their Home Economics class; she claimed it was because she brought good vibes to everyone and anyone. The other teachers in the level adored her – seeing as she was the ‘baby’ of the staff, it was nice having someone younger around.

The whole Senior Faculty was an enriching community. There was Evelyn, who was motherly and frequently worried over the condition of her students, and then there were Ana-Maria and Estella, who were more laid-back when it came to teaching, yet remained firm in their words. Johan was a bundle of energy who was passionate about his subject, and as a foil, there was the sophisticated and well-mannered Rosanna.

And then, there was Richard.

He was the first one she had met when she stepped into the school for the new teachers’ orientation. They had encountered each other while she stumbled into the mini-theatre, looking for a place to sit while glancing around in panic. She had caught Richard’s eye – who nodded and patted the seat next to him, which was empty.

Tanned, tall, and had unusually spiky hair.

When she spoke, all thoughts flew out of the window.

“You’re welcome, dear.”

She wanted to ask the first question that came to mind.

“Are you…playing for the other team?”

But no, she couldn’t. Dear God, she couldn’t. That would be rude.

Sylvia smiled to herself at the memory, ravishing in the silence.

Nearly all the teachers had lessons. Evelyn was out at a meeting, Johan was teaching the Juniors…and all the other teachers were either in the classrooms teaching, or doing something else in another level.

Sleep, early lunch, or would she do some encoding?

Screw it. She thought lazily, closing her eyes. I’ll get five minutes to myself.

And just as she was about to drift off, Johan ran into the room, slamming the door open with an enthralled look on his face.

“Sylvia Sylvia Sylvia SLYVIA,” he repeated, practically jumping over to her and shaking her awake. Immediately, the woman’s eyes snapped open and she stared at the male teacher who was shaking her repeatedly. “SYLVIA I HAVE NEWS AND IT’S UNBELIEVABLE YOU WON’T BELIEVE IT I SWEAR TO GOD.”

She heard a jumble of words.

Sylvia squinted her eyes at him.

“Can you repeat that?”

Johan breathed in.

“I have news and it’s unbelievable.”

“Almost all the news these days are unbelievable – like the Philippine team beating South Korea, no one expected that,” she started, but Johan interrupted her.

“That’s different – it’s not unbelievable, it’s miraculous. But that’s not the point.”

“What, is it as unbelievable as you dating-”

“That’s not the point.” Johan blushed. “And why did we even go there – we’re not supposed to talk about that!”

“Yes, yes. Now let go of my blouse and spill it.”

And Johan did – closing the door afterwards.

Sylvia frowned.

“Did you need to close the door?” she questioned, but he spoke right before she could get the words out of her mouth.

“Richard. Has. A. Girlfriend.”

She could feel herself turning shades and shades paler.

“…he has a what?”

Maybe he meant boyfriend and just misheard.

“Richard has a girlfriend.” Slowly, he repeated the words. “A real girlfriend. It was on his phone. His nokia phone that the students make fun of.”

“Johan, 3310s don’t have changeable wallpapers,” she tried.

“No, not that – that’s ancient – I mean the still thick one that you can still modify the wallpaper.”

“And how did you know it was his girlfriend?”

“I asked. And then he admitted to me that yes, he does have a girlfriend.”

She could only stare stiffly.

“…did he say her name?”

“No, he had to leave for his next class.” He smiled a bit. “Wow. I never thought that Richard, of all people, was in a relationship.”

“…I never thought of that either,” she muttered.

Johan didn’t notice her dropping mood and glanced up at the wall clock.

“Oh – it’s already lunch time. I’ll go ahead, alright?”

She nodded, and Johan walked out.

Richard already had a girlfriend.


Sylvia wanted to slap him in the face.


Goddamn that stupid, irritating voice and hair and eyes and


Her voice came out as irritated, snappy.

Richard frowned.

“No need to be so snippy, dear. Did you see Johan?”

“He went ahead.”

“Oh. I’ll…go ahead. Thanks.”

Yeah. Thanks a lot.

As his footsteps faded away, she sighed and took out her own phone, dialling a number.

It rang and rang, and finally, someone answered.


“Sylvia? Great timing, I just dismissed the class.”

From the grade seven building, a slimmer man blinked as he listened to the other’s voice on the line. “Caterina’s free tonight. I was planning to take her out on a date, but I’ll reschedule. What’s wrong?”

Another pause from him.

He cringed at the next few words.

“Ah. Richard. Okay.” He looked at his watch. “I’ll tell Caterina to meet you tonight. Yes. No problem, it’s alright.”

Seconds passed, and Nicholas ended the call, sighing quietly and wondering how someone like Richard could be so blind to someone else’s feelings.

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