Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Better than Petrichor

Eri sighed, opening her eyes and glancing at the glowing time on the wall.
5:36 in the morning, 24 minutes until sunrise.

She felt restless.
Her eyes searched the room and she sat up, reaching over for the lights and turning them on. The black-haired woman expected someone in the other bed, but to her dismay, there was no one there. The red sheets were folded neatly, pillows untouched and covers smooth without a trace of rustle or wrinkle. The items on the other side of the room were neatly arranged, untouched and unusually neat for the person who owned those objects. Tablets. Wires. Microchips. A few lasers here and there, a stylus tucked into a box. Her eyes glanced at the person’s closet, left slightly ajar after their departure a few days ago.
Usually, Eri Blitzschnell would be thankful.
It would be quieter, she’d be able to think in peace, and the smell of cigarettes wouldn’t linger as much. The thought made her smile just a bit, and she lay back on her bed, sighing quietly and willing for the minutes to go faster.
Cissa and Lisa were a few doors away, she thought.
But then again, the two had a rough night. She decided to leave them.
For the past few mornings, she had been waking up unusually earlier than she did. Eyes would open at the crack of dawn, and she’d end up wandering around New Technika, and go to her shift around 9 in the morning, ignoring Cissa and Lisa’s questions on where she was. The twosome eventually learned that answers would come when they had to.
Eri hated to think of it, or even think of him.
But as much as she kept dodging the feeling, she missed him.
She missed Mathias Gletscher, and it frustrated her.
She missed the things that irritated her, like how he smoked in their room and how he always tinkered with new objects and microchips he would find lying around. But eventually, the smoke would clear and he would eventually end up making something pretty damn amazing.
That was him.
Smoke that killed your lungs but left a somewhat beautiful trace behind.
Even better than petrichor.
He killed her sometimes, but she wanted more.
And that was what frustrated Eri.
That was the man who hurt her and left for months, but returned as if expecting to be welcomed with warm arms and tears all over.
The problem was, that wasn’t Eri.
Eri didn’t cry and welcome people with a hug.
Eri was strong. Somewhat.
He was cocky, he was overprotective, he was easily jealous.
But she couldn't help but miss it.
She missed that protectiveness, the blue eyes that would watch her.
She missed scolding him whenever he bought more of those stupid cigarettes.
And for once, Eri felt envious.
How ridiculous.
She was the one who told him to watch over Arzen.
She was the one who convinced him.
And now, she wanted to cross the Betwixt, go to Earth, and pull Mathias back to Technika.
She’d electrocute him if she had to.
“Stupid boy,” she muttered to herself.
And the door creaked open.
Her instinct was to grab for the pistol under the bed and aim it at the door. She had the weapon in her hands and directed at the door when someone stepped inside, looking incredibly exhausted.
Her eyebrow quirked.
“…you look like crap,” she said rather bluntly. A low chuckle came from the other person.
“I’ve gathered. Amaya asked me if I got run over when I arrived.”
“And you smell terrible.” She stood up, walked towards the closet, and took out a random pair of clothes, throwing it harshly to the man nearby. “Take a shower or something.”
He looked at the clothes with disdain.
A striped shirt and brown jeans.
“These two clash, do you know that?”
She rolled her eyes.
“I don’t care. Shower, damn it. You’re stinking the room.”
And he chuckled yet again, moving closer instead of heading to the bathroom.
Mathias dropped his clothes and wrapped his arms around Eri, causing the latter to blush and stammer. The sound made him smile slightly.
“I missed you, darling.”

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