Sunday, August 25, 2013

Q&A: Hysteria and The Royal Flush


Q: What exactly inspired you to write Hysteria?

A: Honestly, I have no freaking clue. Hysteria was originally called ‘Convergence’, and it involved two realms called Requiem and Cosmos. But for some reason, I scrapped that idea away and decided that instead of realms, I’d focus on two different worlds – Earth and Hetar. Anyway, the Nyotalia girls pretty much gave me the idea of the story. Instead of male counterparts, why not female?

Q: Can you give us a summary of what it’s going to be about?

A: Earth and Hetar, two different  worlds. Inhabitants of one don’t quite know the existence of the other until one day, a crack forms in the sky and turns the heavens a bloody red. For Hetarians, this causes panic and confusion, and even the outcasting of one. But in Earth, people just go their daily lives. Two teams in Hetar are sent to figure out what exactly caused this rift. But in Earth, two groups have yet to settle a misunderstanding that had occurred in their Junior year and continues onto their Senior year.

Q: So, Hetar is another version of Earth?

A: Yes and no. While the central Nyotalia leads correspond to the mortal leads, Hetar isn’t exactly a replica or parallel. It’s hard to explain, to be honest.

Q: What else inspired you when it came to writing Hysteria?

A: Aside from the Nyotalia leads, I was also inspired by my Sophomore year – mostly because the idea of Hysteria came to me during Sophomore year. A clear effect of this are the teachers of the Senior batch of Sacrum Cor. I mean, we’ve got the motherly advisor, the sophisticated Physics teacher, and the rather sarcastic Math teacher.

Q: What is the main conflict of the story?

A: Well, Xais and Laldei from Hetar aren’t exactly on the best terms. They were initially unified under one team until something happened and they split into two different teams. Meanwhile, Verena’s trio isn’t so happy with Victoria’s group due to something that happened in their Junior year. It’s all trying to resolve this hidden issue while the groups from Hetar try to solve that weird crack in the sky (as Julchen calls it).

Q: The mortal characters have different names, from German origin to even Chinese.

A: Of course – all of them come from different nationalities, seeing as Sacrum Cor as an international school, there are bound to be students coming from different portions of the globe. And when it came to their names, instead of me picking random names I really liked, I did some research and picked names that would best suit the character.

An example would be Nova Howard. Nova means “new” while Howard would mean “strong of heart”. Nova’s backstory is that she was recently accepted into Victoria’s group around Junior year after the split. The meaning of her last name gives some sort of idea on her personality.

Q: Do you have any plans on posting Hysteria in the near future?

A: If I manage to reach a good amount of chapters (or even finish it), then yes. So that before I post, I’ll be able to read through it again and actually edit some parts that I want to edit.

Q: How many chapters do you plan for Hysteria?

A: I haven’t settled on this yet. An estimation would be around 20-30, maybe?

Q: Do you think you’ll be able to finish Hysteria?

A: Hopefully, I will! I personally think that Hysteria is one of my more ‘mature’ ideas (and not in that sense) and it’s a really nice idea that I want to see grow and develop.


Q: So I heard that Royal Flush was originally titled ‘Shuffle’…

A: Holy hell, how did you know? Anyway, yes – Royal Flush was supposed to be called ‘Shuffle’.

Q: Did Royal Flush have a prototype plot?

A: Right again. Yes, Royal Flush had a first draft…and it involved the Hetalia leads. There was no OC involvement at all. The original plot was this: Without the Queen, the King cannot act and the Kingdoms would fall. Four Kings from Cardverse embark on a journey to find their Queen in order to ensure the safety of their land.

Q: Are the four female leads based on any people?

A: I’ll just say this – yes, they are.

Q: What are the central ships in the story?

A: The central ships are the following – Elly/Arthur, Rianne/Ludwig, and one-sided Tricia/Antonio. Side ships are Gilbert/Elizabeta/Roderich (but eventually would be Elizabeta/Roderich) and Maria/Alfred. But hey, there are other ships too – I just haven’t mentioned them.

Q: Who is the main antagonist?

A: Ahh, can’t say. Sorry! But the Jokers are one of them.

Q: Will all the ships sail?

A: As much as I’d like to sugar coat my answer, sadly, not all ships will sail.

Q: What arc do you think you’ll enjoy writing the most?

A: The Gala Arc, definitely. It’s going to be hell for the Kings and a lot of things will be revealed to the girls that won’t make them happy. Think of it as a prelude to the next arc, where things get really bad (and bloody, don’t forget bloody).

Q: So, will The Royal Flush be set at thirty chapters?

A: Yes! I’m sure of that.

Q: Which chapter are you currently writing?

A: Chapter twenty, entitled The Final Countdown.

Q: Final question – will the four be able to return?

A: I’ll let this slip…yes, they will.

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