Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy Blogsary!

Sweet holy hell, I've reached it!
Happy blogsary, dear readers! Truth be told, I never thought I'd be blogging here until today. I thought that I'd just have a blog, woohoo, and then abandon it around six months later. But no. I'm still here, still blogging and ranting and babbling after twelve freaking months. Twelve months. Three hundred and sixty-five days. Can you guys believe that? I still can't. I mean, wow. One year.
Okay, so this is my plan. I'll post a few things and then I'll go to sleep. Then, Giselle will proceed to wake me up around 6AM or 7AM so I can start writing nonstop. The reason for this is that my family's going to go malling later, so writing time is INSUFFICIENT, sadly enough.
But aside from writing, I'll photoshop if I can and post whatever the hell I make.
Oh yes! I'll be changing my url in a bit. After a long time of contemplation, I've finally chosen a new url for this blog. *applause*
I will now be known as euphoriadippedpen! What prompted me into choosing this username, I don't really know. It just came to me one day while I was brainstorming.
Fun fact: Other usernames I considered were thescripturient, ariannemeraki, and ariannetheelysian.
So back to seriousness, it's been one year of writing and rants and playlists and babbles. Basically, it's been quite a year. I mean, holy cow...I'm still quite overwhelmed with all of this. *cue happy tears*
To everyone who viewed even just once or comes back weekly to see what I've been up to: thank you. You guys are pretty much one of the reasons why I keep even posting in the first place. I mean, it's great to see and know that HOLY HELL, PEOPLE ARE READING MY SHIZ.
So with that, let the blogsary begin!

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