Thursday, August 1, 2013

Drowning in Papers + PTs

Hi guys!!
I know I haven't been posting much since the start of school - haven't been posting as much, really, compared to the past few months. Junior Year is freaking STRESS, MAN. I swear - we've got Hell Week #2 (aka, project week) next week, and after that week, I've got my first quarterly exams holyshiznutsi'msonotreadyforthisyet.
But I've got great news!
My blogsary is coming up on August 25, ladies and gents. That's like, twenty-four more days to go!
I'll be spending time in (hopefully!) on that day. I'll be writing and editing and whatnot, playlist making, even, and I'll be changing the blog's URL + layout!
Additionally, I hope to post a poster/list of the projects I'm really going to focus on. Seriously.
As of now, since I've been terribly busy, I've decided to limit my writing for a while. It sucks a lot, but I really need to make up for my grades in Chemistry and Geometry, most especially. *tears*
That's all I have to say - I'll see you all soon! :D Keep your eyes open for ~possible updates lol~

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