Sunday, August 25, 2013

Something Beautiful

“They’re all dancing,” Mathias says, both of us watching our batchmates dance to the song a band was playing. I couldn’t tell who the band was, and all I knew was that they were playing Mirrors by Justin Timberlake. “Aren’t you going to dance, Arzen?” he asked, looking at me. I shake my head. The others were there, and I had decided to simply watch. Mathias came after a few minutes and decided to stay with me, and there we were, watching simply as they danced.

The colorful lights bounced off the floor and shone on them, some laughing and a few others removing their shoes out of irritation. I saw a few guys joking around and a few other girls taking pictures, and there we were, by the back, eyes on them instead of joining in.

I wondered why he stayed.

“You should go with them,” I say softly, nudging his arm. A few other girls were waiting nearby as if wondering if he could join them. “Dance or something. I’m okay here.”

And he gives me a look.

“I don’t think so,” he says, and the girls move away, disappointed.

For some reason, I’m glad.

“Why don’t you dance?”

I shrug. “I’m a terrible dancer, you know that.”

And he gives me a smile. “You weren’t that bad in PE.”

“Sure – remind me to ask Daniel, I might have stepped on his toes twice or thrice,” I reply glumly. The look in his eyes changes and he glances away. I notice. “Mathias?”


“You okay?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Come on. You might get eaten by some kind of monster,” I joke, and he manages a small smile. “To be honest, dancing with Daniel was a bit awkward. Makes me wish that we didn’t change partners at all…I don’t  think Elaine was okay with it, to be honest,” I confessed, and he snorts.

“Rivers was okay. I suppose. Better you than any of the other females in class, you know?”

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

He blinks and reddens slightly.

“I-It’s not what you think. I’m just saying that Rivers trusts you with Daniel than any other girl.” And I nod, not really believing the first part. “And well…better Rivers than any other girl, really.”

“Did she step on your toes? Or did you step on hers?”

“Come on, we’re not bad dancers.” He laughs, “We were able to manage. We got a high grade, remember?”

“You’re right.”

And the song changes into something slower, mellower.

“You know, this is a nice song,” he starts after a few seconds of silence between us.

“Yellow, right? By Coldplay?”

“Yeah.” A slow nod from him. “Do you believe me about me being a good dancer?”

“In all honesty?”


I smirk. “Not really.”

And then instead of giving me an offended look, he tsks and proceeds to drag me to the middle of the room, where a few others were dancing.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I protest, face turning red as he grabs my hands. “Mathias, everyone’s going to see us-”

“Darling, I’m going to show you how good of a dancer I am.” The ginger holding my hands winks, and proceeds to lead me into a slow dance, ignoring the cat calls from our other classmates. I can hear Elaine laugh and snap a picture, Janica cheering us on and Cianna yelling something about ships.

But it didn't matter at all.
Your skin,
 Oh yeah your skin and bones,
 Turn into something beautiful,
 You know,
 You know I love you so,
 You know I love you so.

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