Monday, August 18, 2014

Launching: Blogsary Week

Hello, darlings! Guess who's back?

I'm alive and I've honestly never felt more relieved.
Yes, it's just what the title says! I'm back - and I'm here to officially launch the week long celebration for the Second Blogsary! *throws confetti* After the disaster that was the UPCAT and QT Week, I've finally gotten some time to post and start celebrations - as early as today.

I've decided that I won't be doing the kind of thing were I do unlimited posting on the day itself. Instead of that, I chose to have a week long kind of thing were it's just update galore. 8D

Right after this post, I'll be posting the first in a series. Basically for the week long celebration, I've asked a few of my friends to give me writing requests - whatever they wanted to request - and I've compiled around seven of them. From today until Wednesday, I'll try to post at least two per day. Come Thursday, that's when I'll start going nuts with the posting. 

I hope you guys are excited, because I really am as well! <3 Two years is a really big thing, an amazing thing come to think of it - and I want to celebrate with you guys. All of you are the reason why I even decided to celebrate in the first place. So from this early on, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Mush aside, let the posts (and whatnot) begin!

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