Friday, August 1, 2014

Brotherly Bonding: A Headcanon Short

Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Ethon lazily flicked the hair out of his eyes as the edge of his lips twitched to a smile.


“Older brother,” he greeted cheerfully. The temperature, Ammon thought, had gotten warmer. The pale-eyed male loosened his scarf, making the younger chuckle in an amused manner. “Sorry ‘bout that. Do you want me to lessen the heat?”

“No, I’m fine.” Ethon snapped his fingers and a chair instantly appeared, Ammon taking a seat without a glance back. “I assume you received my message?”

“Your little darlings painted it in the air for me,” the other drawled. “I can still see the outline, if I squint.” Ethon was right – Ammon glanced outside, and he could see traces of white floating in the twilight sky. Ethon gave a wolfish grin. “I’d rather it fade away. I wouldn’t want to waste such beauty.” Ammon couldn’t help but hold back a smirk as Ethon glanced up, gesturing for his companion to leave the room.

The older male watched curiously as the fiery-haired lady bowed and stepped out without a moment’s worth of complaint, closing the door behind her and leaving the two siblings alone in Ethon’s private chambers. A table had appeared with a pitcher of a dark-colored liquid inside and two glasses beside. 

“Yes, beauty.” Ethon’s eyes lingered on the door before he looked back at Ammon, the grin mellowing into a faint smile. “Thank you for finally coming, Ammon. I really do appreciate it. Now,” he poured himself and his brother a drink, “Why did you decide to talk?”

Ammon allowed himself a drink. Ethon waited patiently (which was a first, Ammon thought dryly as he consumed the sweet beverage). “It’s about the setting free of the Gear,” he admitted. Ethon did not look surprised.

“Sweet Narissa pushing you to do it?” Ammon nodded, and the ruby-eyed male sighed.

“I love Narissa, but she’s being irritating.”

“Took a while for you to realize that,” Ethon muttered, to which Ammon pretended not to hear. “If you want to wait for the right moment, then wait. I waited. Demi waited.”

“Narissa will come for me in the dead of night.”

“Blow her away.” Ethon deadpanned. “Tell her to go away before you mess up that long hair of hers, and she’ll back off.” It turned silent. Ammon merely glanced outside the window once more and Ethon stood up after another drink, the flames in the fireplace turning rather wild as he moved towards them. Ammon merely watched as Ethon reached in, and took a flame into his hand.

“Showoff,” he remarked. The male chuckled, rolling the flame in his palm before walking back to Ammon and showing him what exactly lay within the flames.

Ammon saw himself, back facing him. His fist looked clenched, and the way he was standing was unreadable. Ethon merely watched with a blank expression before balling up his own fist; within moments, the flame had disappeared.

“You’ll do it eventually, Ammon. Demi was able to do it.”

“Demi has a connection with those people,” Ammon sighed heavily.

“And so do you.”

“We all do,” he reminded his brother. “And the sooner you set free your Armor, the better connection we’ll have with all of them.”

Ammon had soon departed, Ethon watching as his brother was swept away by a quick gust of wind, eventually fading away into the night sky. His lips quirked as the brooding presence of his older brother disappeared.

“Ammon’s always such a worrywart,” he mused as he snapped his fingers, the door unlocking itself. The fires seemed to burn less and he found himself relaxing without the presence of his silver-eyed sibling, temperature turning from blazing to mildly warm – just the way he liked it.

He closed his eyes.

He had sent his Gear to the mortals some time ago. Narissa had given him one of her rare compliments for acting rationally and he cherished the moment before she went back to her erratic, irritated self.

Ethon wondered if following his sister dearest was a mistake. Funny, he thought dully, Ammon is the oldest yet Narissa continues taking charge as if she was first wrought. What makes it funnier is that I was the first twin.

The fire-god then resolved to talk with his dear sister some time from then. 

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