Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Second Blogsary!

We did it, darlings!

Happy Second Blogsary! *throws a multitude of confetti everyfreakingwhere* Wow. I never thought that I'd be managing this kind of blog until now - and it's been two years! 

From someone who just posted the weirdest stuff two years ago, I'm doing graphics, playlists, the occasional rant and review, and even stories that people somehow like to read. Hell, I'm even coming up with my own projects and putting them here for the world to see.

Basically, I want to thank you all for supporting me throughout this. Let's be real - without you guys, I wouldn't actually be here on blogspot, typing this long message. I know people say that views don't matter - I've been telling myself that since day one - but it's one of the things that drive me, something that pushes me to keep posting and whatnot because there's actually people who read my stuff. 

And that means a lot. Really, it does. It's one of the most amazing feelings, to see that people are interested through simple monitoring of pageviews. Even just one browse through the front page of my blog is enough to send me to ecstasy. Basically, thank you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for continuing to read, browse, support and what not. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

I've got two more posts to go, and I might save them for tomorrow. Who knows? ;) 

Thank you so much, darlings. I love you all. xoxo

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