Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sick Days: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

Mathias had leaned his head on her shoulder on the way home.

Arzen flushed suddenly. In front, her mother glanced at them from the mirror and frowned at the sight of Mathias.

“Touch his forehead.” And she did.

It was burning.

“He’s too warm.”

She wanted to avoid awkward sentences like “he’s too hot” because God forbid.

“Have him rest when he gets home. You can just bring up his homework tomorrow.” Arzen nodded, taking her hand away but not quite moving his head away from her shoulder.

It didn’t feel right to do that.

When they had reached home and parked the car, she nudged him softly. “Mathias? We’re here.”

He awoke with a small groan and she felt her face redden for the nth time.

“Come on, we have to get out.”

“A few minutes,” he muttered. Arzen had no choice but to move away, prompting him to wake up. 

She carried his belongings back inside the house.

He didn’t complain at all and ended up crashing on the bed upon reaching his room, Arzen watching in brief amusement and concern. She moved closer to feel his forehead once more and frowned at the unusual temperature.



Mathias stirred slightly and peered up at her with tired eyes.

“I think I have a fever.”


Mathias was sick.

She spent majority of her evening looking after him, strangely unaccustomed to the reversal of roles. He would usually look after her if she got sick, and there she was, catering to the little needs of the ginger.

He had been up for majority of the night. She knew once she caught sight of him that morning, sleepy and lethargic with the pillows all over the place and blanket nearly falling off the bed. 

“Feeling better?” she asked softly. Mathias shrugged.

“I’ve been worse.”

“I’ll lend you my notes when I get home later,” she promised. He said nothing. After all, he knew that she would insist either way.

“Don’t worry about me too much. Even though Betsy might kill me for being absent.”

“Are you sure you want to stay? You’ll be missing a lot,” she asked, but Mathias shook his head and coughed into a tissue. The sight made her falter.

“Trust me, darling. This is nothing.” Mathias gave a weak chuckle, “It’s just because of the weather. You, on the other hand, have to attend today or Tina will wring your neck.”

“I guess so.” She stood up with her bag in hand, “Feel better, alright?”

“I’ll be fine by later.” He winked at her, “Try to survive the whole day without me.”

Crossed between laughing and blushing, she merely rolled her eyes good-naturedly and left the sick Mathias behind.


“Where’s the Kingly Prat?”

“He’s absent.” Most of the XDees and two-thirds of the boys were eating that recess, “He doesn’t feel too well…he had to stay home.” Across Arzen, Cianna winked.

“What, and you didn’t play nurse for him?” the rest of them laughed and Arzen covered her face, Liam roaring with laughter. “Poor him. He’ll miss a lot.”

“He picked a shitty time to miss out.” Liam frowned, “Home Ec exam, PE practice and Health reporting. Did he have you submit his homework for him?”

“He was awake enough to finish them last night.”

“Well, Arzen, let’s hope you don’t catch his sickness as well.” They all looked at Daniel, “We don’t want Senior Virus 1.0 to break out because of him.”

“What do you mean–”

Gabrielle snickered. “He means that you can’t exactly play nurse with your Mathias because you might spread the sickness around.” She knocked on the wooden table for effect, “Let’s pray that he manages to catch up soon enough.”

The table dissolved into conversation at that point. Ride had transferred to the other table to talk to Roza, while Felicia smirked at a joke that Gabrielle made.

Elaine noticed Arzen watching, and she poked the girl’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry too much about him.” the girl gave a guilty shrug.

“He never gets sick.”

Daniel spoke up, “He works himself too hard. Didn’t you tell us that he kept up studying for CETs?” Arzen nodded, and Daniel tsked. “That’s what happens when he does that.” Elaine threw him a look and Daniel stopped, running a hand through his hair sheepishly.

“Just be careful, okay? If you get sick, he’ll get worried and work himself into another fever.” She nodded and the bell eventually rang, signaling that recess was over.

Eventually, school ended and Arzen found herself knocking on Mathias’ door, worksheets in tow. The door opened and she peeked inside, seeing Mathias calmly drinking from a mug of coffee while studying.

“You shouldn’t be studying, Prat.”

He ignored the nickname and glanced at her, “UPCAT’s next week, darling. Of course I have to study.” His gaze fell on the papers, “Did I miss much?”

“Not really. Only English and Trigo gave homework for the day, and Betsy asked me to tell you to feel better.” He nodded and took the papers, glancing at them momentarily before looking back at her. “How do you feel?”

“Better. I just needed to sleep it off.” He stretched and stood up, eyes twinkling at her. “Help me out with this?”

Flabbergasted, she could only nod speechlessly. 

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