Friday, August 15, 2014

Better With You: A Shoujo Parallels Headcanon Short


Alpha Belt
Venura Residence
August 2014

“Doing okay?”

She sucked in a breath. “Yeah. Okay. Definitely better.” Miles let a small smirk curve his lips upwards; seeing Arianne flustered (despite the gravity of the oncoming situation) amused him. But he couldn’t actually blame her for being fidgety and nervous.

He knew that she had been studying for the past months and wondered how she was able to carry it all – school work, extracurricular work, and then the tutoring. The second Game of Thrones book was left discarded on her bed. She had promised to read it when she had time, but she hadn’t even peeked at the backmost portion which contained the lineage of various characters.

“–and I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I failed the exam,” she flustered. Miles blinked and looked at her. Arianne was pacing, eyes lit with fear as she walked back and forth across her room. She pivoted on a heel and turned, walking to the door, to the window and back. “I just want it over with. As soon as possible. I don’t even know why I was put in the last batch,” she groaned.

Miles quirked a dark eyebrow. “Perhaps you’re worrying too much. It might be a sign.”

“A sign?”

“That an extra day is being given so you can calm your nerves.” He stood up and walked to her, gently pushing her back to her own bed. “Please do calm down. Write. Read. Do what you want and don’t think of the exam just yet. You’ve prepared enough,” Hopefully, he added in his head, “And remember what Sir Andrej said. Just relax.”

When she still didn’t look sure of herself, he pursed his lips and sat next to her. “You’re one of the most intellectually stimulating I know, Venura. A different kind of intellect,” he added. She looked befuddled. “You see things. You understand them. You apply it. If you believe you’re not intelligent at all, then I might have to shake some sense into you,” he joked.

But she still looked hesitant to accept all of that.

He knew that she was still thinking.

“You’re not Marie or Ride,” Miles said softly. “I don’t see why you have the need to compare yourself, darling.”

Arianne sulked. “You don’t get it, Miles.”

“’Course I do. You keep telling me stories about your friends. Since last year.” He ruffled her hair. “Keep believing in yourself, Venura. Sort of like how you believed in Odysseus when we read the Odyssey.” With that, she whacked him with her notebook and he laughed. “Just relax. Your laptop’s waiting for you,” he nodded at her study table where the laptop sat comfortably.

“Miles Gabriel, are you trying to distract me so you can leave?” she asked him. He blinked.
“Of course not, Venura. I’m just trying to get you to relax. Just do me a favor?”

“Depends on the favor,” she snarked. He blushed.

“A-Anyway. Just don’t YOLO the first exam. I heard some others saying that they planned to do that for the first exam this weekend.” He met her gaze steadily, forest-green looking into coffee-brown. “Don’t do that because you might just get in while others didn’t because they fucked up hard.”

His accent collided oddly with the swearword. She couldn’t help but grin.

“And if you think there’s anyone who doesn’t believe in you, you’ve got me.”

“Of course I do. What would I do without you, Miles?”

She meant it rhetorically, maybe even sarcastically. But the Forest Original hummed to himself and tapped his head in curious thought.

“You’d have one less person to talk to.” She agreed silently. “And no therapist.”

“W-Who said you were my therapist?!”

“Self-proclaimed therapist of Arianne Venura,” he replied sassily. She rolled her eyes and stood up, but Miles grabbed her wrist. “Joking aside. Won’t you stay beside me?”

She studied him carefully.

“…you’re confusing.”

“You should be used to me by now, Venura.” His eyes twinkled, “I’m ever the enigma.”

“Enigma or headache?”

“Foul.” Despite their exchange of words, she chose to sit beside him once again. Miles decided to gently stroke her hair, prompting her to stammer out a mixed reaction as he did. “Hold still. I’m trying to fix your hair.”

Despite her grumbling, she did. And soon enough, he had twisted it into a nice braid that went down her back. “Magic hands,” he commented to himself happily, and pulled away from her hair to inspect his work with admiration. “All those images help, I guess.” Arianne gingerly touched the braid and couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Magic hands.”

“Indeed.” His eyes glanced at her clock. It was nearing 9PM.


“Yes, Venura?”

He expected a retort, a sassy comeback, anything.

Instead, his body froze as she hugged him.


Miles felt his fade redden and his voice die in his throat momentarily as she embraced him, arms around his torso and hair dangerously close. It took him a moment before he returned the hug, awkwardly putting his hands on her back and then settling into it.

They didn’t speak. They merely stayed in that position until he asked her, gentle and low.


She nodded, not quite having the strength to speak. It was only when they pulled away that she was able to answer him.


Better with you.

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