Monday, August 11, 2014

Hell Week 2.0: QT Edition

Good evening, darlings!

For the second time since June started, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to be on a mini-hiatus once more. Exam Season starts today and ends (albeit unofficially) this Thursday; to make it even heavier, I've got my first College Entrance Test coming up this Sunday.

I'm terrified, to be honest.
In case you guys are curious about which exam it is, it's the CET of the University of the Philippines (also known as my second choice college). I've been studying since summer, actually, given the review and all. So as much as possible, I'll be balancing studying for Quarterly Exams and the UPCAT until Friday. I might post on Saturday since I plan to spend the day before the CET in peace.

Additionally, it's not just me that's going to be taking it! Please do pray (or keep in your thoughts if you're not religious) for Rothie, who's going to be taking the same CET on Saturday.

Sidenote: If anyone's curious which courses I applied for, my first choice is English Studies and my second is AB Psychology. Quite unusual, but those two are what struck a chord in me. OwO

That's all for now! See you all this Saturday. :)

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