Monday, September 1, 2014

Russ' Updates #001: Blog Changes!

Hello, darlings! Welcome to something I've been planning for a bit: Russ' Updates!

Russ' Updates is a new "feature" wherein I post every Monday, starting today. I'll just be talking about whatever needs to be talked about. I'll also be putting in some bits and pieces about what's going on where I am now, so that when I suddenly don't post for a number of days, it's been discussed on that week's RussDate.

(that was a such a bad pun)

Upcoming Characters! You may have noticed the graphic by the sidebar, and yes, it's something else that's happening. For a month, I'll do my best to put up certain "teasers" regarding that upcoming character, whether it be a background short, graphic, or whatever. The purpose of that (for me) is to at least finalize on the main aspects of that character, from the basics to whatnot.

New Navigation Sytem! Another new aspect is the navigation system. If you check it out, you'll see that you can now search for shorts featuring a certain character. I plan to update it with more projects and characters this weekend, so look out for that.

New URL! Yes, it's finally happening. This Friday, 9PM Philippine time, I'll be changing the URL of this blog. Before that, however, I may post a graphic alerting you guys in advance about the new url. Fear not, however! I'll find a way to navigate you to the new URL if ever you use the old by accident.

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Reviews: Attachments
[x] Russie Writes: Noriko's Background Short
[x] Russie Writes: An Equilibriai Short
[x] Russie Photoshops: Susurrus: Ventus

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