Sunday, September 14, 2014

First Impressions: A First Meeting Short

Matsumoto Manor
Tokyo, Japan

From: Mail Jeevas
To: Kenichi Matsumoto

            I’m on my way there with her. Don’t screw this up for me.

From: Kenichi Matsumoto
To: Mail Jeevas

            Calm down, hotshot. I won’t do anything…yet. ;)

The Japanese snickered as he slid his phone back into his pocket, turning to the extravaganza that was his party. Around him, people danced and drank, others socializing with their glasses in the air. Kenichi himself had his own glass and took a sip, feeling the golden drink flow down his throat. Behind him, his guards quietly spoke into the mouthpieces and squinted their eyes, looking out for any kind of trouble that would potentially happen.

“Boys, boys. Relax,” Kenichi laughed. The two guards tensed a little less. “Do me a favor, though. If you see Matt and his date, do tell me.”

“Understood, sir.” The two stalked off and he sighed quietly in relief, quickly plastering a charismatic smile on his face once a pair approached him.

He didn’t know how long he had engaged in conversation – it seemed like he talked to everyone. There was a politician who asked for his support, a banker who discussed stocks and another businessman who talked sports instead of marketing like they usually would. It was like he passed by everyone, talked with everyone, laughed with everyone.

All except for two.

Kenichi took another sip from his next drink, some scotch to soothe his nerves and pick him back up. All the talking must have dried his throat. As couples danced and music played, an endless assortment of food being served away, he glanced shortly at the doors where everyone would enter and eventually exit. A frown lit his lips.

“Where the mighty hell is that bastard,” he muttered, nearly about to refill his glass when a guard suddenly came from behind.

“He’s here, sir. Just came. Told Kuro that he had gotten into some mild traffic on the way.”

“Is that so? Thank you, Mori.” The taller bowed and Kenichi easily swept across the room, straightening his tie and running a hand through his hair. The people around him made away and he flashed smiles at them all, finally seeing Matt there with a lady on his arm.

Matt looked dashing, of course. His hair was unusually neat with a black suit and tie on him, looking sharper than he usually did in his less formal attire. He had just looked at Kenichi, smirking a bit.

“Kenichi – I’ve told you about Ari,” he introduced the female.

And the Japanese blinked as the woman extended her hand, he numbly giving a shake before pulling away. “My most pleasant greetings.” Kenichi bowed his head and soon lifted her hand, giving a kiss before A’s face flushed – with embarrassment or content, he wasn’t quite sure. Matt cleared his throat. “Forgive me, darling, but I don’t think I’ve caught your full name.”

“Arianne. Arianne Maxwell, but you can call me A or Ari.” Kenichi nodded and studied her, Matt suddenly calling a waiter for drinks.

Matt’s previous girlfriends were tall with their hair artificially colored. They were tanned and long-legged, grins wicked. Kenichi shuddered at the memories.

But A – Ari – was different. Oddly different. She bore little to no similarities with Matt’s exes, presented herself differently and smiled differently.

Maybe it was the hair – tied up and black, a few waves curled and framing her face delicately. Or perhaps it was her dress, white with flecks of gold with her heels golden sunshine.

And he looked at her face and knew.

It was her eyes. Matt constantly raved about her eyes, with Kenichi wondering what the hell was with this woman’s eyes that made him tell novels about them everyday. And now, he saw them – green as could be, wide like a curious child’s. They danced all over the room and he watched as she took in the sight, mouth slightly open in a silent gasp.

As Matt handed her a glass of wine, he quirked a brow at her expression. “Amazed?”

“Immensely,” she admitted, and turned back to Kenichi, her expression. “I’m sorry. It’s my first time to attend an event like this.”

“It won’t be your last, my dear.” He promised. “I can promise you that.” He threw her a wink and glanced at Matt, who was looking across the room blankly. “My apologies, but I have to speak with your Matt for a moment. It won’t be long. Would you mind?”

“I mind,” Matt snapped, not wanting to leave her alone, but A shook her head.

“He’s all yours. I’ll just grab a quick bite.” Beaming at her, Kenichi quickly wheeled Matt away, ignoring the ginger’s protests.

“You know I hate leaving her alone–”

“It’s just for five goddamn minutes, Matt.” He snapped, quickly bringing them to the side of the room. He caught sight of A picking out some fruits, “And I can see your girl from here. Listen. About that business group I had you track a couple of days ago…”

Back and forth the conversation went, from Matt arguing to Kenichi shooting him down and then the other way around. Matt was trying to defend his point when he heard a sharp voice cut across the room, making the two men stop and turn.

Near the center of the room, an older bloke was harassing A, who looked irritated.

“I’d like it more if you let go of me,” she told him calmly. Kenichi kept a hand on Matt’s shoulder, whose eyes had suddenly taken a darker shade of blue.

“Matt, calm the fuck down,” he hissed. Kenichi eyed his guards and gave a sharp nod, pointing at the man who had his hand on her arm. “Seriously – make a move and I’ll have to throw you out.”

“I’m not doing anything,” he said through gritted teeth, but Kenichi kept him there despite the height difference. “Goddamn – let go, Kenichi.”

“Come on, darling. Ditch your boyfriend and leave with me.”

“Are you deaf?” she cut in harshly. “I asked for you to let go.”

“Now, let’s not be hard to get.” The man smirked and Kenichi swore he saw the hairs on her arm stand on end when he moved closer, lips closer to her ear. “Come with me before I force you to.”

And Kenichi saw it all happen.

It was a blur of action – people gasped and the music actually stopped – from his grip on her arm, she had his arms locked behind him, she holding them to his back with a neutral expression on her face. The man was gasping for air, his face reddening, squirming. A kept her own grip tight and she leaned in to whisper something in the man’s ear in return before letting go, Kenichi watching in numb amazement. His guards grabbed him harshly and forcibly dragged him out, A sighing as she readjusted the bracelets on her wrist.

She looked up and met Matt’s gaze, both of them staring blankly at each other before the ginger smiled wearily and shook his head in disbelief.

Kenichi didn’t know if he should have felt shocked, astonished or terrified. 

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