Thursday, September 4, 2014

Corrupted Detachments: An Equilibriai Short

The Nexus
Pre-Humanoid Era
xxxx, X.X.

Ammon was not among them on that day.

Demetria pursed her lips and glanced away. The yellow seat which stood next to her own was empty. With that, Ethon and Narissa exchanged quick glances.

“I guess that means one thing,” she said softly. “Ammon really was serious about sticking to the plan.” Even if he was against it, the brunette continued in her head. Ethon merely sighed and folded his arms over his chest. As a contrast, Narissa was smiling.

“I’m proud of our eldest brother. Aren’t you?”

“We forced him into this, Nar,” Ethon refuted angrily. “You know he never liked the idea of giving his Armor. He hated to give that part of himself away. He hates feeling incomplete. Don’t you know?” he gave his sister a withering look, “Or are you too drowned in yourself to notice?”

Narissa’s ears turned pink. “How dare you,” she spat, but Demetria immediately stood up and stomped her foot on the ground. Immediately, a green shield popped up between the Twins and Demetria’s eyes blazed with a different emotion.

“Stop it. Ammon made his choice.” She looked at Ethon. “We know he doesn’t like it, but it’s for the good of everything. We gave ours away. And he’s the only one left.” Then to Narissa, “I wish you would have found another way. Ammon won’t forgive easily for making him do this.”

Narissa bowed her head and Demetria let the shield fade away. “Trust me, I would have wanted another solution…but this is the only solution we have.” She lifted her head to look at Ethon, who still regarded her with anger (though less than earlier). “We’ll be here for Ammon if that’s what he needs.”

And Demetria turned away, shivering to herself as the harsh winds blew harder in the area. Ethon noticed. The usually calm walls that surrounded them seemed colder and more unwelcoming. The flames on the red candles were dying and lighting up. Waves of a small pond down south only crashed against each other. Demetria noted that the flora weren’t as blooming.

And the winds continued.

Eventually, Ethon had gone into his own seclusion to think. That’s what he liked about the Nexus. It wasn’t just a main meeting place or whatever – it had its own rooms for the each of them. He had taken the east.

Sorry I couldn’t get you out of this mess, Ammon. He thought bitterly. I hate Narissa for making you do this. If only we could be the ones to sacrifice the Armor for you, but…it just doesn’t work that way. Nothing works our way anymore.


Ammon clutched his head and yelled.

He felt disoriented, in pain. Like his head was going to explode. There was a sense of detachment that he feared and loathed, feeling that the splitting headache that he had would split him apart.

The man didn’t know why it had to be so painful.

In, out, yell. In, out, yell.

Did Ethon suffer through this? Did Narissa want to rip her hair out? And Demetria, innocent Demetria with her docility. Ammon wondered why they put themselves through the torment, the wholesome pain of giving it up.

He wondered if it was even worth it in the first place. Why would they care? Why did this universe mean so much if there were millions more out there? He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Narissa’s all-knowing face popped up in his mind but he shoved it away, shoved everything else away.

I’m going to die, he thought sullenly and aggressively, I’m going to die because of this forsaken sacrifice. I’m going to die. I’m going to die.

He was going to die from the excruciating pain.

It felt like every single vessel, every nerve was being ripped out of him. After protecting something for so long, how would pulling it out feel? Another scream came out of his mouth and he was momentarily thankful his siblings couldn’t hear.

He hated pain. He hated feeling pain, knowing pain, causing pain, seeing pain. That was why he surrounded himself with whispers and shadows. Why he watched from behind the scenes and agreed with whatever his siblings wanted. Why he hardened his heart.

And all of that effort seemed useless as everything was ripped away from him, piece by piece.

‘You should be careful to not let anything else get into the extraction of the Armor,’ Ethon’s voice rang out in his head, shocking him out of his pain-filled misery for a moment. He remembered. Ethon had explained to him the mechanics, the procedure. ‘Detach yourself and empty your head. The pain of it will tempt you to unload your feelings, but that’s going to make it worse – that’s going to corrupt it.’

Corrupt. How would feelings corrupt the Armor or the Gear?

Detach, Ammon. Detach.

He opened his eyes momentarily and shut them again, groaning. He was still there. Suspended and bound to prevent himself from breaking his chains.


The man swallowed his pride, his remaining thoughts. He thought instead of his siblings waiting in the Nexus, with cold comfort and Demetria’s intoxicating flowers, Narissa’s gentle hands washing his hair and Ethon keeping the whole room delightfully warm.

Slowly but surely, he fell into the recesses of his mind. 

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