Monday, September 22, 2014

Russ' Updates #004: Actual Midterms and PT Week

Good evening, darlings! So remember my post last week saying that the midterms would be over by this week (sort of)? 

Yeah. That was a lie. Basically, #MarioPH hit hard last Friday, thus cancelling out the day. Friday was supposed to hold my English, Physics and Economics midterms, but alas. As if that wasn't bad enough, the ACET was postponed. I have no freaking idea when it's going to be. And it's really irritating - I just wanted to be over and done with half of the midterms + the ACET, but...this happened. Another freaking typhoon just had to really mess up everything. *angry fist-shaking*

UPDATE: ACET is now this weekend. *creys*

I don't get how people celebrated over it huhu I mean it just messed up your schedule bigtime.

Anyway, I wasn't exactly able to post Noriko's Backstory II because I had to work on a few projects during the weekend. I'll do my best to get it up by Friday, along with another short.

So, wish me luck! I'm aiming for hella high grades for the midterms (trigo why) and as much as possible, I'm doing my best to keep up and pretty much remain positive for the remaining months. *nervous laughter here* I'm just keeping my eyes on the semestral break, really.

That's all for today - I need to study for Economics and Physics - see you all this Friday!

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: Noriko's Backstory Short II
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Prompt

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