Monday, September 15, 2014

Russ' Updates #003: Midterms and Entrance Exams

Hello, darlings!

A little bit of storytelling before I start - there were no classes today because of the typhoon. There wasn't actually rain today, but the governor decided to suspend classes last night because the rain was hella strong. Seriously. It was still raining when I finally slept around 1AM. Tbh, I was supposed to take the day seriously and review for the ACET, but I ended up lazing around. #smh

Anyway, I might be busy for the next two weeks - I've got a few midterms coming around this week, the ACET this Saturday, and most likely, more midterms next week. In addition to that, the influx of Performance Tasks are coming soon, and I might be majorly swamped. 

*nervous laughter*

And as I keep saying, please, please keep me in your thoughts as I go for the Ateneo College Entrance Exam this Saturday! To be honest, I don't feel so prepared. (I also got the same feels during the UPCAT huhu) But I really hope to do my best since Ateneo is my freaking dream school and I'd do anything to be accepted. 

This week's posts to expect won't be much since I'm bracing that massive load of work that's going to be imposed soon. That's all for now! <3

Posts to Expect:

[ ] Russie Writes: Noriko's Background Short II
[x] Russie Photoshops: Color Palettes -- Macmillan Thomas

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