Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Starting Anew: A Backstory Short

January 2013
Seiko Design Co.
Tokyo, Japan

“Are you crazy, Noriko?!”

“I resign.” The girl repeated in a flat tone. Her arms were folded over her chest. Her hair, which was usually glossy, thick and down, was thrown into a careless bun. Her lips were set into a flat line. “I’ve worked for three years. Seiko Design will do much better without me.”

Noriko Inoue had been in conflict over her decision for days. It was only when she had seen her face replacing Naomi’s did she finally snap and make a choice – the right choice.

The girl’s brown eyes stared at her superior’s own. No matter what the other said, what the other prompted and persuaded, from a higher pay to more freedom in her own schedule, Noriko wouldn’t budge at all. Finally, the superior stormed out without another word, Noriko smoothly leaving the office a few moments after. Saki, the secretary, looked at Noriko with a sad smile.

“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Nori.” Noriko merely shrugged.

“I’ll collect my things tomorrow morning and say my goodbyes.”

“Alright. Have a good day.” The young model – ex-model – turned on a heel and left. She could hear the supervisor angrily yelling and felt the gazes of the other models burn as she walked down the hall, her head held high, shoulders squared.

The girl threw withering looks to those who tried to stop her, and some others flinched away. A male model looked at her with a dull expression. She recognized him. Kishi.

“Good for you,” the male muttered. He escorted her out of the building and she looked at him, seeing his unusual paleness and the heavy bags under his eyes. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Don’t.” Noriko took his hands and looked him straight in the eyes, “If you can’t find another way. I can. I’m trying. You need to stay here.”

Kishi looked pained. “Noriko-”

The woman took a deep breath.

“Naomi wouldn’t want you to give up your dream, Kishi.” Noriko frowned. “Just forget about my own leaving and focus on your own chances. With me gone, they’ll open up more slots.” She gave him a smirk but Kishi couldn’t return it.

She understood why and let go of his hands, instead patting him on the back.

“Do your best, Ki. Make her proud for me.”

Not meeting her gaze, Kishi nodded and gave her a tight hug before disappearing back into the regal-looking building. Sighing heavily, she turned away.

And she left.


Noriko had been modeling since 2010.

And to be honest, it was the best kind of job ever.

She liked the power she had over those who viewed the advertisements. With a single wink, cock of the hip or sultry stare into the camera, she could have thousands buy the product that she advertised, whether it be cologne, shoes or a dress. Knowing that, she wanted to hypnotize, persuade the whole world.

She liked the control, the power, almost everything. Throughout those three years, Noriko had quickly risen as one of Tokyo’s finest models, even heralded as The Blooming Seductress. She had been to shows and events, wearing beautiful designs and having her hair styled in dozens of ways she didn’t know was possible.

And now, her dream had come to an end.

She knew, however. Noriko Inoue knew that working for Seiko wasn’t at all glitzy and glamorous as one would perceive. The girl shut her eyes. It was almost like being a robot, something manufactured and having only one purpose.

But throughout, she ignored that nagging thought and simply did what she did best.

Thoughts of Kishi entered her head. Kishi Yamanaka, often paired with her if there was a duo needed. Kishi and his flirtatious quirks. Kishi and the way he flipped his hair and modeled perfectly, hips swaying and eyes dead on the crowd, amplified with a smirk and boyish charm. Kishi drove all the girls wild.

“I hate having to leave that bastard,” she muttered. Her thoughts flew nearly everywhere. If there was anyone who had a stronger desire, a stronger love for modeling itself, it was Kishi. And Noriko was usually there to playfully compete with him.

But now, she was gone. She had left Kishi to be on his own, potentially paired with another person. 

Noriko didn’t know anymore and shut the guilt out and away.

She didn’t even apologize for leaving.

But could she blame herself?

Shut it away, Noriko. Shut all of that away.

She walked faster, bumping more than dodging. Her scarf dug into her neck and she felt unusually warm. Noriko attempted to close her eyes and block out the noise, but was unsuccessful and ended up stumbling, nearly falling if not for her clutching onto the brick wall to the side.

It’s not your fault, Noriko. You have nothing to be sorry for.

Breathing deeply, she shook it off and stood back up slowly, looking ahead.

The image of Naomi looking right at her flickered before her eyes.

And disappeared.

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