Monday, September 29, 2014

Russ' Updates #005: Approaching the End

Hello, Darlings!

So I managed to survive the ACET. Sadly, I didn't feel so great today and missed out on a lot of things for school. And then there was the disaster that was English, but...yeah I'm not going to talk about that. *nervous laughter + prays that I don't actually fail* Based on what I heard from my classmates, I think this week's going to be for studying the second unit plus finishing up on some PTs that have to be finished.

Next week, I'm going to be taking my second quarter finals as well as the DLSUCET/DCAT! Although DLSU isn't my dream school, I'm still hoping that I'd pass in the instance that, well...I wouldn't get into Ateneo or UP. *knocks on wood* What sucks, though, is that I won't have a weekend - at all.

Finals start next Wednesday and end on Saturday, with the DCAT happening Sunday afternoon. Due to that, I don't think I'll be able to post at all - even if I won't have school next Monday. D: Expect a small hiatus around that time.

I'll be updating the Upcoming/Featured Character tab this Wednesday Tuesday night! I'm actually looking forward to this one, since he (yup - it's a guy) has a really interesting background I want to work on. So look out for that~

Upcoming Posts: 

 [x] Russie Writes: An U/FC Short
[x] Russie Writes: A TSP HC Short 
 [x] Russie Photoshops: An U/FC Graphic

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