Saturday, October 11, 2014

Never His: A Shoujo Parallels AU Short

The Veil
Beta Belt

Arzen felt a numb stab of pain as she opened her eyes, moaning quietly as it resonated from her chest to her arm to her legs. It felt like the kind of pain a day after dancing, a day after swimming or participating in strenuous activity – except for the looming asthma attack she’d have.

The sight that greeted her bewildered her. Managing to sit up, she saw mirrors all around her, her own figure greeting her. Arzen knotted her brows, pushing the hair out of her eyes.

She was wearing the same thing that she had worn on the bus, on the way north. Her green sweater hid away the soft white graphic shirt underneath. Her Oxfords remained clean, and so did the dark jeans. She looked perfectly okay – a little pale, a little shaken.

She remembered falling asleep after the first rest station, curling and facing away from the rest of them who were laughing and chatting. The coffee she had chugged hours before had begun to chip away. Before she woke up, she was in the bus on the way to their retreat. Now, she was in an unknown room full of mirrors.

She tried not to feel afraid. It had already happened before, twice. The first, she was in the Peace Garden and ended up in the middle of Technika’s Crossroads. The second, she was in her room, and then pulled away into nothing –

“Mathias?” she whispered. He had to be there. He was always there. “…Mathias?” No one replied. Stifling a small whimper, she tried calling his name yet again, but no reply came. Lifting her head, she looked into the mirror.

Her coffee-brown eyes widened as she saw the male in his Technikan suit, the lines and such glowing a very bright powder blue. Elated, she said his name again – Mathias – and looked behind her eagerly…yet he wasn’t there.

Irritation seeping into her, Arzen rubbed her eyes and stared at the mirror. He was there – still there – still smiling. The ice-blue eyes found hers and she stared at him, upset and angry, and he began to walk forward. His mouth opened and he said a name she strained to hear.

“Painful, isn’t it?” 

Arzen scrambled away from where she was seated, gasping as she saw a man materialize right next to her. He didn’t seem to notice her actions. “One moment he’s with you, protecting you. Another moment, he’s gone. Terrible, don’t you think?” the man mused, turning his head slowly to look at her.

His eyes were the same hue of blue. Mathias’, however, had a certain warmth to them, a lick of affection that he couldn’t quite express.

This man’s, however…it was void of warmth. He was coldness in its purest form.

“Have you wondered if there was anyone else before you?”

“There had to be someone,” she answered a little too quickly. This made Nero’s lips curve up slightly. 

Usually, there wouldn’t be a response.

“How right you are.” Nero looked back into the mirror and immediately, the reflections changed. Instead of a Creator and the Lightning Original, Arzen saw a grinning man with wild brown hair, laughing loudly as a girl punched his shoulder. The two moved freely, him laughing heartily and his green eyes shining while the girl, a stormy-eyed brunette, huffed loudly in irritation.

She couldn’t stop herself. “Who are they?”

“Gabriel Silvas and Amaryllis Coquelicot. People from the Alpha Belt, two Watchers tasked to their own respective Assignments.” Nero didn’t bother explaining what or where the Alpha Belt was and went on, “Watching Arianne Venura and Giselle Rivers, respectively.”



“Your Alpha Counterpart and Elaine Rivers’ counterpart,” Nero added. “Interesting, isn’t it?” Arzen didn’t reply, finding his coldness unbearable. “Here’s another fun fact, Monika.”

Arzen’s head snapped up at his usage of her first name.

“Gabriel and Amaryllis had…a thing with each other,” he said carefully. “Passion, attraction. Whatever it is,” he told her dully. “And do you know what’s interesting about that?”

She shook her head. No, I don’t. And…I don’t think I want to know.

Nero heard her perfectly. So he smiled, flashing his teeth, and the two figures in the mirror stopped.

Next to Gabriel, Mathias appeared.

Next to Amaryllis, a brunette lady appeared. Arzen couldn’t stop the gasp of horror that left her lips. Next to the brunette lady with sunset eyes, Elaine herself appeared.

The Creator smiled, triumphant, as she managed to decipher what the images meant. “I’m sure you know what Connections and Parallelisms are.” He said nothing else as she covered her mouth with one hand, shaking her head – not in response to his inquiry, but to her own revelations – her own discoveries. “…painful, isn’t it?”

Painful wasn’t enough to describe the whole thing.

You’ll never have him, she remembered the Setomion in the Tower taunting. You lost your chance. And you’re going to lose it again. And he’ll be forever damned, to walk the Earth until it burns and crumbles into itself. All because of you.

She remembered his hugs, his words, his sharp intakes of breath every time he would come upon her crying.

“You’re a star, remember? You’re my star. Don’t burn out on me, Arzen.”

How foolish of her to think that she’d be the only one.

Nero watched blankly as tears rolled down her cheeks, splashing onto the ground and sizzling into the air. He felt strangely relieved that her crying wasn’t loud – he hated loud criers.

Besides, he thought. The silent ones are the more broken.

And the more broken are what make me stronger.

Nero felt it. He felt all of it – the same anguish that surfaced over a century ago, amplified times twelve into her. And if he closed his eyes for the fraction of a second, he’d also see those horrified, emerald-green eyes.

 “How do you feel?” he asked softly, faking a tone of concern. When she didn’t answer, he zeroed in on her thoughts again.

The one person I thought I’d always have

Stolen away




Even in this time I can’t have you

If that’s the case then

I probably never will

Nero’s eyes glimmered with a tinge of glee.

That was it.

That was what he needed.

More tears rolled down her cheeks and Arzen managed a small sob before covering her mouth. Snapping his fingers, Nero watched as the images fades away.

Perhaps he could be kind.

Just this once.

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