Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Russ' Updates #007: The Need for Sleep

Hello, Darlings!

I sincerely apologize for the hella late update - after the disaster that was QT week + DCAT weekend, I find myself feeling horribly under the weather. I think it's finally taken its toll on me, since I pretty much don't really feel great at the moment. ;_;

"In what way, Aria? Physically, emotionally, mentally-"

shh miles 

What's happening this week?

Well, yesterday until Thursday would mark the completion of the Performance Tasks. Luckily, I've only got two more to finish! When that's done, all I have to do is to do some stuff for the Investigatory Project and work on a PowerPoint for my English class...which I can (hopefully) balance. Friday's going to be reserved for a full day of Intramurals practice - and guess what I'm going to do?


Since Friday would signify the start of "freedom", expect posts to slowly trickle in by then!

Posts to Expect: 

[x] Russie Reviews: Lola and the Boy Next Door
[x] Russie Writes: An OTP Prompt
[x] Russie Photoshops: A FC/UC Graphic II  

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