Saturday, October 18, 2014

This Is: Date Night -- An OTP Prompt

5:34 PM
September 2014
Reiji Park

“Are you really suggesting that we drink this early?”

“I don’t think ‘early’ is in your dictionary, babe.” Matt roars in laughter as A smacks his shoulder, rolling her eyes. “But really – we can have a drink or two for tonight. You deserve it. You’ve been keeping off for six months,” he reminds her with a small smile on his lips. 

“Doesn’t mean it gets any easier,” she replied, hugging her knees. “If I touch anything tonight, I’ll end up craving the next morning. And it’ll kill me for the next six months. God.” A rubbed her eyes, “You can drink. I’ll just have a coffee.” 

Sighing, Matt nodded and bit into a sandwich he had prepared for the both of them. It was a surprise, really. He picked her up half an hour ago and drove them to the park, telling her that he had the whole night prepared. Honestly, he missed his girl – both of them had been excruciatingly busy for the past two weeks. A had busied herself with work and he had his own duties with Kenichi and the company.

Matt found himself craving her – her mere presence.

“Hey.” He swallowed and inched closer to her, seeing her put down her own sandwich, “If it’s going to send you back, then let’s not. Okay? We can have anything you want. Non-alcoholic drinks. Coffee. Maybe champagne. Just as long as it doesn’t trigger your withdrawals.” 

She closed her eyes. “Sorry,” she finally said. Matt frowned. “We’re supposed to be having a lovely night – something you planned for us – and I’m just mucking it up with my stupid withdrawals. God.” A picked up her sandwich and bit into it a little harder than she usually would, looking down so he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. 


She swallowed and took another bite from the chicken sandwich, chomping it down after realizing how hungry she was. “A. Darling. You’re not mucking it up.” She stayed silent, Matt gently wrapping an arm around her. “You’re just telling me what you want. No problem with that. Pretty brilliant, actually,” he went on. “I worry so much about triggering you, you know. To the point of telling Kenichi to throw the beer away when he’s visiting us. Just as long as you keep telling me what’s okay and what’s not okay, you’re not messing things up. You never do.” he lifted her chin and kissed her forehead, hearing a sniffle from beneath him. 

“…I hate my withdrawals.”

“They’re a bunch of bullocks,” he agreed. “But just a small roadblock.” He wiped the crumbs off her lips and smiled slightly, “Come on. I’ll take you somewhere nice.”

* * * * *

7:06 PM
Tokyo Arcade

Matt was certain that he had never seen anyone enjoy an arcade as much as his girlfriend did. 

“I don’t want to go yet,” she pleaded. “I just have to get fifteen more tickets and I can get something at the prize counter.” A was mashing buttons as she played a trivia game, barely making eye contact as her palm slammed down on the blue button. “Please?”

Fuck it. I’ll never have the chance to see her this childish again, he told himself before chuckling. “Fine with me, love. I already have what I need.”

“There’s a first-person shooter to the left if you want,” she offered. Matt broke into a peal of laughter, relenting and kissing her cheek. 

“You know me so well…I’ll check back with you in ten. Is that enough time?”

“Definitely. Now shoo. I need to remember my capitals.”

With him away, A finally managed to relax as she won her way through the final round. The plan was simple: win the game, get the tickets and rush to the prize counter.

She had seen Matt eying a prize on the upper shelf and intended to get it for him before he could get it for himself. As happy as he made her, she wanted to return the favor – as materialistic as it was. 

Jumping off the chair and tearing out the tickets (because honestly, the game was ridiculously easy to beat), she ran towards the counter before her boyfriend could see her. A sneak back told her that he was already heavily immersed and swearing. 

An hour or so of playing had made it worth it. She pointed at said shelf and the man turned to reach for it, the girl taking over and asking for her tickets. And she gave all of them – every single one. Once the counting was verified, A took the plastic into her hands, smiling widely, and darted away. 

Matt threw the plastic gun down, cussing loudly. Goddamn game. Freaking one more area to go and the fucker got him. He didn’t know why he kept playing Silent Hill if it kept pissing him off.

The ginger reached below and took the large plush toy into his hands after keying his name in. No one else had managed to beat the game yet. Matt looked to the right, back at the trivia game, frowning deeply when his girlfriend was replaced by the sight of four giggling girls in uniform. 

Where did she go?

Clutching the toy a little tighter, he left and walked around the premises of the arcade. Only when he saw her walking back did he manage to calm himself down slightly.

His smile faltered a little when he saw a plastic bag in her other hand. “Win yourself something nice?” he asked, trying not to let the disappointment show in his face. God. If only he had been faster.

A couldn’t help but beam at him, moving closer. “No, but I got something better.” Her eyes fell on the plush toy and she blinked. “Oh. Did you win that?”

“I did,” he admitted. Matt brushed the hair out of his eyes, attempting to look a little mischievous. He flashed a quick smile. “For you.”

“That’s good. I guess all our time here got us something go – wait what?” A’s eyes widened in disbelief as he handed her the mint-green bear, Matt barely able to wipe away the grin on his face as she took the toy. “You’re kidding me. You did not get me this,” she managed, but he shook his head and she squealed, hugging it tightly and dropping the plastic bag. “It’s adorable – you sly asshole, how did you get it without me noticing?”

“You were so into the trivia game, darling. When you sent me to Silent Hill, I already had it.” His heart warmed upon seeing her hug the toy tightly and he picked up the plastic she had dropped. “What did you get for yourself, babe?”

“Oh, I…” she stopped hugging it and looked at the plastic bag, allowing herself a small smirk. “It’s actually for you.” Ignoring his confused look, she shrugged as if it was nothing. “Open it.”

“I swear, if this is one of those pop-up pranks again I’ll…” Matt blinked. “You’re messing with me.”

“I’m not. How can I fake that?” she teased.

“Did you really spend all your tickets for this?”

“Hush.” A kissed Matt lightly, eyes twinkling as she pulled away. “You were eying the controller like how you eye me when I’m in a nice dress.” 

“You’re nuts,” he muttered softly, but shook his head and kissed her once again, tasting the sweetness of her lips and thanking all the gods for his girlfriend.

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