Monday, October 6, 2014

Russ' Updates #006: Finals and DLSUCET

Hi there, Darlings!

So another week is about to begin - and this time, I'm going to have to go on a week-long hiatus. *insert groaning here* What's pretty much going to happen are my second quarterly finals (which is from Wednesday to Saturday), followed by the DCAT which takes place a day after. 

hello tears, hello pain, hello eternal damnation suffering
So for the entirety of the week, I'm just going to be doing nothing but studying and eating + crying while trying to accomplish Performance Tasks on time. As much as possible, I really want to relax on Sunday - but alas, there isn't really time for that. The DCAT will be from 2PM until 7PM, and I might be really exhausted by the time I get back home.

So don't expect anything posted - unless I end up procrastinating and all that. *nervous laughter*

Anyway, please keep me in your thoughts-slash-prayers as I tackle on the end of first semester! It's a really weird thing to think, now that I'm nearly done (1701% done lol) with my first half of being a Senior...I'm just going to sit down and ponder on my life choices for a moment...

That's all for now! See you all next week, Darlings! <3

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