Monday, December 8, 2014

Russ' Updates #015: Rainy Season

Hello, Darlings!

Yes, Russie is definitely back – after two consecutive weeks of not really hosting the RussDate, I’m (finally) back to navigate you all through it. Astra and Miles have been doing a great job for the past Updates, but for now, I’m going to let them sit back and take a small breather.

To be honest, these past two weeks haven’t been the greatest. Despite the really amazing retreat I went on last November, things just sort of went a little bumpier than I expected it to. But now that the Post-Retreat Crash is over, I think I feel better and capable enough~ ^_^

So what’s up this week?

Well, disheartening as it is, another typhoon found itself within the PAR (Philippine Area of Responsibility) last weekend. Due to that, a lot of places have been devastated (particularly the Visayas region). Classes have actually been suspended for my school tomorrow, delaying my supposed finals. :/ Away from the finals though, please, please do keep those typhoon victims in your thoughts/prayers.

December 9 – December 12 is supposed to be my finals week – third finals week holy hell – and with that in mind, I think you guys know what’s up:


I’ll be posting once more this Saturday morning/afternoon, depending if the exams I’d be missing tomorrow would be rescheduled on that day, huhu. After QT week would be the Vigil/Dawn Mass Week, and after that would be Christmas Break!

I hope you guys are excited for Christmas, because I am too – I might be planning some things for the holiday season, so keep an eye out for that~

Posts to Expect:

[x] Russie Writes: Memento Mori – A FC/UC Background Short [Zachariel Vasilias] 
[ ] Russie Writes: Shattered Heart – A Mad/Fallen!TSP Short [Aria Venura]

Enjoy the rest of the week, Darlings!

And to all my fellow Filipinos out there, stay safe and stay dry. :)

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